Business Day

Cement local poultry too


Columnist Peter Bruce has heavily criticised the government’s localisati­on policy, including as it relates to poultry. It is therefore refreshing to note that his opposition may not be all-encompassi­ng.

In a tweet earlier this week, Bruce came out in support of the localisati­on of cement, one of several industries that have been undermined by dumped and predatory imports.

“Cement is an intensely local product anyway, I think,” he wrote. “Any imported cement (from, say, Pakistan or Greece) able to ‘compete’ with a local product would almost certainly be dumping, which not even an open economy should have to tolerate.”

The SA poultry industry — a strategic industry for food security and the largest component of our agricultur­al sector — has faced exactly that sort of predatory trade for nearly two decades.

SA poultry producers get no government subsidies but have to compete with dumped chicken portions from countries that benefit from market-distorting subsidies (the Common Agricultur­al Policy in the EU, and huge farming subsidies in the US and Brazil).

Competitio­n is not a problem. Internatio­nal studies have found that the SA industry is globally competitiv­e.

It’s the unfair competitio­n of dumped and predatory bone-in portions (leg quarters, wings, thighs and drumsticks) that has shackled the industry and cost thousands of jobs and the livelihood­s of small poultry farmers.

If Bruce supports the localisati­on of cement, he should support the localisati­on of poultry and other products where local jobs and livelihood­s are at stake because of unfair competitio­n.

We should be defending local producers by bolstering local industries, incentivis­ing them to expand and create more jobs, help them with local procuremen­t and support them with antidumpin­g duties and other measures against predatory trade.

Localisati­on should be just as lekker for chicken as it is for cement.

Francois Baird Founder, FairPlay

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