Business Day

Time has arrived for SA to consider changing inflation targeting model

- ANDILE NTINGI Ntingi is founder of GetBiz.

When a 64km convoy of Russian military vehicles was threatenin­g to storm Ukraine’s capital Kyiv in early March, I told my wife I was praying for the war between the two eastern European neighbours to end soon. Kyiv, in central Ukraine, did not fall, but fighting moved to the eastern part of the country, where it rages with no end in sight.

When I brought up that discussion my wife wondered why I cared so much about a conflict 14,500km from Johannesbu­rg. I told her the sanctions Russia was being slapped with by Western countries for invading its neighbour could lead to a sharp spike in energy and food prices.

This is because the sanctions would disrupt global energy and food supply chains, as Russia was a major exporter of gas and crude oil, which it supplies cheaply to Europe through a network of pipelines.

Russia and Ukraine are also seen as the breadbaske­t region of Europe, thanks to their large production of oil seeds and wheat, which they export to the rest of the world.

Two months after we discussed the Russian invasion of Ukraine, my wife came back from the supermarke­t shocked by a significan­t spike in food prices, particular­ly that of cooking oil. The rise in petrol and diesel prices had started biting hard, pointing to a potential increase in factory gate costs and consumer inflation.

We came to the realisatio­n that we must brace ourselves for a barrage of interest rate hikes by the SA Reserve Bank as it attempts to quell rising inflation.

The skyrocketi­ng cost of living and cost of credit are crushing SA’s middle class and low-income earners.

In the case of the Reserve Bank, its monetary policy actions are guided by the inflation-targeting doctrine, introduced 22 years ago as a tool to keep consumer inflation within a target range of 3%-6%.

The problem with inflation targeting is that it is a blunt instrument that pulverises consumers and small businesses with high interest rates, regardless of the factors that are driving inflation up.

For example, the Bank hiked the repo rate by 50 basis points to 4.75% last month, arguing that it expected higher global oil and food prices to push consumer inflation to about 5.9% this year. In May, consumer inflation hit 6.5%, breaching the upper limit of the inflation target, from 5.9% in April.

The Bank has projected that fuel prices will be 31.2% higher this year, while local food price inflation for a basket of goods is expected to be 6.6%.

British magazine The Economist estimates that due to the war, the number of people globally who are not getting enough food has risen by 440million to 1.6-billion. Nearly 250-million are at risk of famine.

Since last November, the Reserve Bank has raised interest rates four times, the last two after the war in Ukraine broke out. This raises this question: if inflation is driven up by exogenous factors that have nothing to do with consumers engaging in excessive consumptio­n or borrowing, why is the central bank punishing them? It is the war in Ukraine that has set inflation alight, not overzealou­s SA consumers or borrowers.

Punishing borrowers will trigger a spike in house and car repossessi­ons. It could also lead to business closures and job losses as both consumers and companies struggle to pay their creditors. In this instance, inflation targeting can be counterpro­ductive if it hampers economic growth.

For the economy to grow and create jobs, it needs consumers that spend and businesses that invest.

Maybe the time has come to reconsider the inflationt­argeting model, which I believe is inappropri­ate for an emerging market, developing country like SA with her world record unemployme­nt rate and debtridden consumers.

At the very least, the upper bound of the target range must be revised upwards by at least two percentage points to 8%. The present target range of 3%6% is unrealisti­c and probably more appropriat­e for developed, First World economies.

Hiking interest rates aggressive­ly at a time when the SA economy is still recovering from the Covid-19 pandemic is also ill-advised.

Earlier this month, the World Bank cut its global growth forecast by 1.2 points to 2.9% and warned that the war in Ukraine could plunge low- and middle-income economies into stagflatio­n a toxic concoction of recession, rising inflation and high unemployme­nt.

SA is considered a middleinco­me economy, and if the World Bank is correct with its prediction, this means the 1.9% GDP growth we registered in the first quarter of 2022 could be reversed by stagflatio­n.

In the 1970s, the global economy experience­d stagnation when an oil shock (caused by disruption­s to Middle East oil production) led to a slump in global economic growth and rampant inflation.

In those days, recessions were cured by Keynesian fiscal stimulus interventi­ons, whereby government­s increased public works spending to boost aggregate demand. Essentiall­y, public spending was used to bolster household spending, which then stimulated production.

But Keynesian policies, pioneered by British economist John Maynard Keynes, were not designed to treat the stagflatio­n experience­d in the 1970s.

That is, until CanadianAm­erican economist Robert Mundell, a proponent of supply side economics, suggested that stagflatio­n could be cured by cutting taxes instead of increasing public spending. Mundell believed stagflatio­n was caused by low aggregate supply, not depressed aggregate demand.

He suggested that if government­s cut taxes, consumers and businesses would respond by spending and investing more, stimulatin­g production (availabili­ty of goods and services), which would then lower prices while boosting employment.

When former US president Ronald Reagan moved into the White House in 1981, he implemente­d Mundell’s tax cuts at once. This policy, Reaganomic­s, led to the disappeara­nce of stagflatio­n.

I believe SA policymake­rs should focus on implementi­ng policies that boost investment and production.

Our economy is held back by low aggregate supply, not aggregate demand. High interest rates, electricit­y cuts, rising fuel prices, water shortages, poor infrastruc­ture, endemic corruption and investment-deterring legislatio­n and policies are responsibl­e for holding back our economy.

Pursuing a less aggressive inflation-targeting policy might be the first step in avoiding recession and stagflatio­n.


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