Business Day

Rightsize means downsize


Vinothan Naidoo makes the case that we must “rightsize” the public sector in terms of employees and spending, rather than downsizing (“Tackling the government’s wage bill isn’t simply a matter of huge job cuts”, November 15). Of course, I agree. But in this case rightsizin­g is downsizing.

SA’s public sector causes fundamenta­l problems. Most pressingly, the bloated sector costs far too much. Naidoo correctly identifies that there are redundant employees across the board. But while aspects of the public sector have grown in terms of employees, crucial sectors have actually shrunk. It would be for the best if the redundant and useless positions in other sectors instead went to education, policing and health. But that wouldn’t solve the problem of cost.

There is an inherent rot in the government that discourage­s doing a good job. When something has contact with the public sector it becomes bloated, corrupt and incompeten­t. The more the public sector grows the more this rot sets in. Eventually we have a horde of overpaid workers doing nothing and producing little to no value.

The right size for such an institutio­n is to be as small as possible. That doesn’t mean the police, healthcare or education need to be shrunk. There is plenty of other fat to cut. But even then, perhaps these crucial sectors will perform better in the hands of the private sector. At least it can’t get any worse than the public sector which is synonymous with incompeten­ce, entitlemen­t and corruption.

Nicholas Woode-Smith Cape Town

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