Business Day




1. An animal for a dollar (4)

3. Cheeky chappie at university (8)

8. She's never after a part (4)

9. Something heard in court, without doubt, gives gratificat­ion (8)

11. Go over - to the enemy once more? (12)

13. They're for putting on vegetables (6)

14. It is barred (6)

17. Result of refusing to take things lying down? (5-2,5)

20. Exits? (8)

21. A direction to lower a boat (4)

22. Mislaid one's watch and was held up? (4,4)

23. An indistinct impression of speed? (4)


1. Gave beer as a drink (8)

2. Craft of many a wise man (7)

4. Tell a minister off quietly (6)

5. Is little skill required to sail them? (5,5)

6. Cast down (5)

7. You want to be in it (4)

10. Expanding, becoming more communicat­ive (7,3)

12. The most admirable debtor is one who gives (8)

15. U.S. soldier in a pub? That's reasonable! (7)

16. Enough to prevent parting without meeting (6)

18. Of course they're better devices (5)

19. A spring I pass round (4)

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