Business Day

Secrets of the cities are kept by the bees

- Linda Poon

For scientists studying the health of a city and its inhabitant­s, their most powerful tool may just be the honeybee.

That is because when honeybees go foraging, they collect more than just pollen and nectar. As they navigate through their environmen­t, micro-organisms and other tiny particles can also cling to the bees’ fuzzy little bodies, which the pollinator­s then shed as they enter their hives.

And since pollinator­s tend to forage within a kilometre radius of their hives in urban areas, there is valuable informatio­n about a city or even a neighbourh­ood in the honey they produce, on their bodies and in the debris at the bottom of hives.

“Honeybees will gather a vast number of microbes day to day, far beyond things they are seeking out. They’ve been optimised by evolution to do everything that the swabs do,” said Kevin Slavin, a professor at MIT Media Lab, during a media briefing on a new report in the journal Environmen­tal Microbiome. The research aims to establish a feasible method for collaborat­ing with beekeepers and their colonies of honeybees for studying the microbiome of cities.

A microbiome is the unseen communitie­s of microbes, fungi, viruses and bacteria that live inside and around us, playing a key role in the functionin­g and health of the urban environmen­t and the human population, as well as plants and animals. Previous research has linked exposure to a diverse microbiome to better health outcomes.

In the near future, understand­ing microbial environmen­ts can become crucial to understand­ing the many ways in which health and environmen­tal inequaliti­es disproport­ionally affect marginalis­ed communitie­s, said Slavin.

To test if bees can be used to “swab” the city, Slavin and a team worked with beekeepers to collect and analyse microbes from samples of honey, honeybee parts, and hive debris across five cities — New York, Venice, Tokyo, Melbourne and Sydney.

The study began in New York City, where researcher­s compared microbes from Brooklyn and Queens to show how microbes might differ from one neighbourh­ood to another. The material gathered from hive debris varied the most among the locations.

Meanwhile, in Venice, where many buildings sit atop wooden pilings submerged in water, data consisted of fungi related to wood rot, for example. And in Tokyo, the researcher­s found genetic traces of a fermenting yeast used in the production of soya sauce and miso paste.

“Cities have their own microbial signatures, which are also interestin­gly related to the cultural and geographic­al context in which those cities have emerged,” said co-author Elizabeth Hénaff, a computatio­nal biologist at New York University Tandon School of Engineerin­g.

More than that, the study demonstrat­ed how the materials gathered from beehives could potentiall­y aid health officials in pathogen surveillan­ce.

There are several methods for studying the microbiome of a city, including testing wastewater, which has been used to detect the presence of drugs. But the researcher­s say that method focuses on things that humans have processed.

“What about the city or a neighbourh­ood as a whole?” said Slavin. “What about everything that isn’t processed by humans?”/Bloomberg

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