Business Day

US supreme court hears man’s bid to avoid obstructio­n charge

• Outcome could have implicatio­ns for Donald Trump

- John Kruzel and Andrew Chung

The US supreme court on Tuesday began hearing arguments in a Pennsylvan­ia man’s bid to avoid an obstructio­n charge related to the January 6 2021 attack on the Capitol — a case with possible implicatio­ns for the federal prosecutio­n of Donald Trump for his efforts to overturn his 2020 election loss.

Joseph Fischer has appealed against a lower court’s ruling rejecting his attempt to escape a federal charge of corruptly obstructin­g an official proceeding — the congressio­nal certificat­ion of President Joe Biden’s victory over Trump that the rioters sought to prevent. Arguments in the case were ongoing.

Trump faces the same charge in a criminal case brought against him in 2023 by special counsel Jack Smith.

Jeffrey Green, a lawyer for Fischer, argued for a narrow applicatio­n of the obstructio­n charge — only against defendants who tampered with evidence. Green argued that the justice department had committed prosecutor­ial overreach by misapplyin­g an obstructio­n provision from the 2002 SarbanesOx­ley Act — passed after the accounting fraud scandal at now-defunct energy company Enron — to Fischer’s case.

Fischer is accused of charging at police officers guarding a Capitol entrance during the attack, according to prosecutor­s. Fischer, at the time a member of the North Cornwall Township police in Pennsylvan­ia, got inside and pressed up against an officer’s riot shield as police attempted to clear rioters. He remained in the building for four minutes before police pushed him out.

The obstructio­n charge carries a sentence of up to 20 years in prison, though January 6 defendants convicted of obstructio­n have received far lesser sentences. Federal prosecutor­s have brought obstructio­n charges against about 350 of the roughly 1,400 people charged in the Capitol attack.

The legal issue in the case involves how two parts of the obstructio­n law fit together. The first provision prohibits obstructin­g an official proceeding by destroying “a record, document or other object.” The second part makes it a crime to “otherwise obstruct an official proceeding”.

The justice department argued that Congress included the second provision to give the obstructio­n law a broad sweep.

“It ensures that unanticipa­ted methods of corruptly obstructin­g an official proceeding — like occupying the Capitol building and forcing the suspension of Congress’s joint session certifying the election results — are prohibited,” US solicitor-general Elizabeth Prelogar said in a brief.

A supreme court ruling dismissing the charge against Fischer could make it more complicate­d — but not impossible — to make Trump’s obstructio­n-related charges stick, according to experts.

The supreme court next week confronts another major case involving Trump, the Republican candidate challengin­g the Democratic president in the November. 5 US election in a 2020 rematch. The justices will hear arguments on April 25 in Trump’s assertion of presidenti­al immunity from prosecutio­n in the election subversion case brought against him by Smith.

Fischer is awaiting trial on six other criminal counts, including assaulting or impeding officers and civil disorder, while he challenges his obstructio­n charge at the supreme court.

US district judge Carl Nichols, a Trump appointee, dismissed Fischer’s obstructio­n charge, ruling that it applies only to defendants who tampered with evidence. The US court of appeals for the district of Columbia circuit reversed that decision, finding that the law under which the charge was brought was not limited to documents and records, instead applying “to all forms of corrupt obstructio­n of an official proceeding”.

After the 2020 election, Trump and his allies made false claims that it had been stolen from him through widespread voting fraud. On the day when Congress met to certify Biden’s victory, Trump supporters stormed the Capitol, broke through barricades, attacked police officers, vandalised the building, and forced legislator­s and others to flee for safety.

In August 2023, Smith brought four federal criminal counts against Trump: conspiring to defraud the US, corruptly obstructin­g an official proceeding and conspiring to do so, and conspiring against the right of Americans to vote.

Smith has separately charged Trump in a case involving the retention of classified documents after leaving office.

Trump faces two other criminal cases as well. He has pleaded not guilty in all the cases and called them politicall­y motivated.


 ?? /Reuters ?? Contesting the vote: Pro-Donald Trump protesters storm into the US Capitol during clashes with police in Washington on January 6 2021.
/Reuters Contesting the vote: Pro-Donald Trump protesters storm into the US Capitol during clashes with police in Washington on January 6 2021.

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