Business Day

Beware World War 3


Brussels should come with a health warning for pre-diabetics. Sitting in the afternoon sun outside Brouette’s on Grand-Place sipping beer tasters with moules and frites while growing crowds gawped at the buildings, waffles or chocolates in hand, it was almost impossible to comprehend that not 4km away at Nato headquarte­rs beribboned generals were hopefully trying to prevent the onset of a third world war.

Because that’s where it’s at. Nato’s sacrificia­l Ukrainian proxy has all but lost the war against Russia. Its soldiers are increasing­ly refusing to fight as the Russian juggernaut smashes through village after village on its way to the Dnieper River. European nations have panicked, with France reportedly sending elements of its Foreign Legion in an attempt to stem the advance. Meanwhile, the Russians threaten tactical nuclear strikes against any country that puts troops on the ground and is now “exercising” nuclear forces in its first military district.

But as ever the fatal decision will probably be made thousands of kilometres away in the White House. The joint chiefs know the Russians aren’t bluffing, but the White House cannot lose another war, especially in an election year. The damage to Nato and American prestige would be incalculab­le, and their nemesis, Donald Trump, would not only win but want revenge.

With President Joe Biden at the helm, my frites suddenly didn’t taste so good as it dawned on me that Grand-Place, which is after all at the centre of Europe’s de facto capital, could be a smoulderin­g ruin not a month hence.

James Cunningham Brussels

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