Cape Argus

Leo meets old mom Meryl


LONDON: It was like a mother and child reunion.

In fact, someone was humming that Paul Simon song as Meryl Streep and Leonardo Dicaprio embraced when they bumped into each other at the Bafta Tea Party at the Four Seasons Beverly Hills.

“I can’t believe I was your mother!’ Meryl said, in mock astonishme­nt, to Leonardo.

She was referring to the movie Marvin’s Room, which they made back in 1996, with Diane Keaton and Robert De Niro.

The pair had a long talk about working together and promised they would do so again, although it might be a while because both are very busy.

Maybe film producer Harvey Weinstein could find a part for Leonardo in the film of Tracy Letts’s prize-winning play August: Osage County, that Meryl plans to make later this year, with Julia Roberts playing her daughter.

Meanwhile, Leonardo is playing what Weinstein describes as the “bad, bad badass bad guy” in Quentin Tarantino’s movie Django Unchained.

It was fun watching all the actors gravitate to Meryl, as if they were receiving some kind of benedictio­n simply by being in her presence.

Benedict Cumberbatc­h elicited peals of joy from the actress. “Oh, yes!’ she said. “I saw you in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. I loved it!”

She meant it. She usually, very politely, manages to wriggle free from people she doesn’t care for.

She enjoyed meeting Andrea Riseboroug­h, too, because she admired her performanc­e as the young Margaret Thatcher in The Road to Finchley (a role Meryl knows well).

“I’m not fit to eat her dust,” said Andrea, admiringly, of Meryl. – Daily Mail

 ??  ?? REVERED: Meryl Streep’s the centre of attention.
REVERED: Meryl Streep’s the centre of attention.

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