Cape Argus



The by-election result in Lavender Hill is a total rejection of the ANC Youth League, who drove their new BMWS and toyi-toyied through the area, showing their ignorance to the public.

Mike is asking the Cape Argus to do what it does best: devote attention to the black ANC. Why no attention to what the DA does? Blikkiesdo­rp? Chapman’s Peak? What is the provincial government doing with social crime prevention other than the failed gang talk strategy?

Send Tony Ehrenreich to Limpopo. He always has all the answers. community or a political party in his opposition to Dan Plato’s gang strategy? Lavender Hill’s vote shows that the people know the problem lies with the government and the police.

Lavender Hill people like poverty, gangsteris­m and drug-dealing. They voted for a boneless leader to lead us out of this mess again. – Ebrahim, Lavender Hill

Community Safety MEC Dan Plato, work with the youth, not the gangsters. Start with youth leadership and life skills programmes. Send gangsters to prison, stop making them heroes.

Why should Dan Plato, or anyone for that matter, provide after-school programmes for hooligans? Parents need to start bringing up children properly. Three weeks in England and suddenly it’s heaven on Earth? Unfortunat­ely you were not at Heathrow during the BA strike.

Rhino and Lotto funds have one thing in common.they are both disappeari­ng at an alarming rate and nothing seems to be done about it.

Marc Lottering and Christo Davids, please give us more comedy. Some Like it Vrot was a real tonic.

Cocky Carlisle, don’t forget who brought you into power. Your wagging finger is such a bad reminder of the old guard.

As an ex-infantry soldier I would like to volunteer to patrol and protect the rhino. Where can I apply? – Sarge

Thank you to Jose and Louis, who came to my aid after an accident on De Waal Drive last Friday. – Kathleen and kids

To talk of inflation excluding food, electricit­y and petrol prices is meaningles­s.

Give the skydive firm a triple Bells for taking Gesie on that jump. – Neil

Well done, Gesie. You are a star for being so brave and lovely. Hats off to Ms Horne for making your wish come true.

Yes, Victoria is indeed a populous state in Australia. In comparison, the geographic largest state of Western Australia has about a million people, mostly in Perth. There are lies, damn lies and statistics.

Why must the CPUT strikers prevent others from studying? This is all about politics, not education. – Dougy Fivaz

To the person complainin­g about government spokespers­ons being inarticula­te in English, how good is your Xhosa/zulu/tswana? – Qhama Cossie

Dr Max Price from UCT says: “There is a wealth of scientific evidence on how stereotype expectatio­ns lower performanc­e.” That’s exactly what is happening at UCT: expecting all black pupils to perform poorer than all the white ones.

Thanks for the memories, Esther Lewis. I am still addicted to suckers in summer. – Jimi

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