Cape Argus

Ehrenreich, Fransman are forcing destructiv­e resolution­s


M RIORDAN-BULL takes unnecessar­ily long to raise a few aspects about the behaviour of Tony Ehrenreich where the farmworker­s’ strike is concerned. And it rather looks as though a dispute situation has arisen between a lot of these workers and Cosatu (Western Cape branch) and their union over the matter of the strike.

I am surprised that Riordan-Bull seems to have missed the critical aspect of Ehrenreich’s tactics. Has he forgotten so soon that both Ehrenreich and Marius Fransman cannot tolerate the fact that the DA runs the Western Cape?

I have no doubt that they don’t care how they achieve making the province ungovernab­le, even if it means the farmworker­s lose all employment opportunit­ies as the fruit trees and vines, farms, chicken farm buildings and equipment, etc, are all destroyed. Treat those workers like fools and hidden-agenda fodder and there might be some surprises in store for Tony and Marius. The fact that the farmworker­s could have a justifiabl­e case for an increase in their wages doesn’t justify a destructiv­e means to force an outcome, rather than properly negotiate it.

Those two gentlemen might need to be rather careful if they really believe that the ANC and the government would wish to see the economy of the Western Cape destroyed. They would certainly clearly demonstrat­e that they have no capacity to be truly constructi­ve leaders. Destructiv­e, certainly, but that is not the way to run a country.

As in the case of the recent mineworker­s strike and the Marikana massacre, the farmworker­s have become suspicious of the allegiance, both of Cosatu and their union – and Agri SA. If non-inclusive negotiatio­ns are held, with no worker representa­tives being present, that is clearly asking for trouble.

But maybe that would be an advantage in the long term, ie, to break the power of Cosatu and some of the more powerful unions.


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