Cape Argus


FEARS OVER US DEFAULT: President warns Congress to stop playing political football with national debt


WASHINGTON: The administra­tion of President Barack Obama has ruled out calls for minting a $1 trillion (R8.73 trillion) platinum coin to avert a crisis over the US debt ceiling amid partisan bickering.

The US Treasury officially killed the idea on Saturday, leaving Congress with the responsibi­lity to increase the government’s borrowing limit.

“Neither the Treasury Department nor the Federal Reserve believes that the law can or should be used to facilitate the production of platinum coins for the purpose of avoiding an increase in the debt limit,” Treasury spokesman Anthony Coley said.

The notion had been put forward during the 2011 debt ceiling debacle, and was revived this year amid fears that Congress will not clinch a deal and thus risk causing the US to default on its bills and financial obligation­s.

The US hit its $16.4 trillion debt ceiling on December 31.

The Treasury said it would adjust its handling of civil service pensions to keep operating under the borrowing limit without slashing federal spending, suggesting it could do this at least until the end of next month.

But Obama’s Republican foes are seeking spending cuts in exchange for a deal.

Obama, pictured, has warned Republican­s against playing a “dangerous game” with the debt ceiling, arguing that raising the borrowing limit to pay the country’s outstandin­g bills should not be a political football. White House spokesman Jay Carney put the Republican­s on notice.

“There are only two options to deal with the debt limit: Congress can pay its bills or it can fail to act and put the nation into default,” he said.

“The president and the American people won’t tolerate congressio­nal Republican­s holding the US economy hostage again simply so they can force disastrous cuts to Medicare and other programmes the middle class depend on while protecting the wealthy.”

He recalled that the last debt ceil- ing drama had put the US economy on the edge of default, hurt economic recovery and caused a downgrade of the US credit rating.

Supporters said the platinum coin would have helped avert a repeat of the 2011 crisis, when the US came perilously close to defaulting on its debts as Republican­s sought deep spending cuts in return for more government borrowing.

Had the Federal Reserve recognised its worth, the Treasury could have minted the coin to help fulfil debt obligation­s if lawmakers fail to come to an agreement.

Although US laws regulate the amount of paper, gold, silver and copper currency the government can circulate at any given time, there are no such limits for platinum.

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