Cape Argus

Stiles’ risky business: it’s sure to have you hooked…


THANKS to her big screen exploits – 10 Things I Hate About You, Down to You and Save the Last Dance – Julia Stiles ( pictured) has been somewhat typecast as the poster girl for rom-coms.

And this isn’t surprising. Many actors have fallen into this trap. Mathew McConaughe­y is a perfect case in point. After a slew of movies that went from entertaini­ng ( How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days) to disastrous ( Surfer, Dude), he successful­ly changed tack with The Dallas Buyers Club, for which he won an Oscar, and the hit TV series, True Detective.

While it isn’t clear if Stiles feels the same, her critically-acclaimed performanc­e in Dexter and now her role in the award-winning drama Blue hint at her gravitatin­g towards more substantia­l material.

And it certainly doesn’t get any better than her playing a single mum, who is an accountant by day and, due to her cash-strapped existence, works as a call girl at night. Her sheer desperatio­n, however, doesn’t quite equip her for the realities that come with being a hooker.

On returning to the small screen and having the weight on her of being the show’s protagonis­t, Stiles reveals: “I feel good about it. The fortunate thing about TV is that you spend more time with the character and it awards you the opportunit­y to work on the role with more depth.”

The series, written and directed by Rodrigo Garcia, also features Kathleen Quinlan, Jeanne Tripplehor­n, Sarah Paulson and Eric Stoltz.

What’s even more interestin­g is that the series was launched on the internet before it secured a more solid footing on the Lifetime Channel.

Stiles admits she was fascinated by the script: “I love the writing and thought the premise was really interestin­g. Who knew it would be a great opportunit­y? At first, I was a little concerned about it airing on the web because, at that point, all of that was new and unknown.”

Of her co-stars, she notes: “I haven’t worked with Eric before. I was a big fan, though. And he’s a delight to work with.”

Of the show’s fabulous reception, she speculates: “I think people are curious about sex (laughs).”

I guess, it’s true what they say: “Sex does sell.” (pun unintended).

As for her position on the ongoing trend of the small screen poaching big-screen talent, she shares: “There is a lot of great storytelli­ng out there and for me the most important things are good material and an interestin­g story. The people I have been working with inspire me and the medium, to me, doesn’t matter – whether it is the small screen, the big screen or the web. It all overlaps now anyway.”

Koulla Anastasi, director of programmin­g of Lifetime, comments: “Blue is a compelling and captivatin­g drama that will enhance our programmin­g schedule on Lifetime in Africa.”

Heck, if nothing else, it will definitely titillate the audience into watching.

Lifetime Channel’s (DStv channel 131) Blue debuts on Thursday, March 19 at 8pm.

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