Cape Argus

Disappoint­ed with writer’s call


I REFER with disappoint­ment to Zelim Nel’s column from earlier this week, “Stormers fans can cheer and boo… it’s part of the game” (Cape Argus, March 9).

In my considered opinion, the article borders on incitement and has no place in a publicatio­n like the Cape Argus. Is this how we want “the faithful” of Newlands to be remembered, and is this the message we want the youth of Cape Town to be reading?

One of the great joys of watching rugby at Newlands is the diversity of the crowd (young/old, rich/poor, male/female, English/Afrikaans/Xhosa, Muslim/Christian/Jew, etc – all the colours of the rainbow) and the fact that opposition fans and home fans can mingle freely to create an atmosphere unique in world rugby.

For those who enjoy rugby there is very little that can rival watching a game live at Newlands and that enjoyment and escapism is what the ticket buys you.

It certainly does not, as Mr Nel suggests, buy you the right to boo and abuse opposition play- ers and fans – in the process impacting on others’ enjoyment of the event – in fact, that sort of behaviour goes against our values at WP Rugby.

One has to simply attend a major football match in the United Kingdom where opposition fans are separated in different sections and security is extremely tight, to understand the consequenc­es of not respecting your own and the opposition teams and fans.

Equally, it is humbling to experience the eerie silence afforded opposition kickers in rugby fixtures.

Healthy rivalry on and off the pitch is key to any sporting competitio­n, but our ethos at WP Rugby will always be one of respect for both our own and the opposition (teams, players and fans) and, of course, the match officials.

Let’s not boo, as Mr Nel wants you to. Instead, let’s enjoy the game and respect the players and officials on the pitch and our fellow supporters as well as all visitors to the stadium. THELO WAKEFIELD President WP Rugby Football Union

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