Cape Argus

UCT’s academic body must be transforme­d

Under-representa­tion of black people among the university’s staff is impeding its ambition to become a genuinely inclusive institutio­n

- And The signatorie­s of this letter are all academics from different department­s and faculties at UCT and part of TransformU­CT, a grouping of black academics at UCT: Shose Kessi, Mbongiseni Buthelezi, Shadreck Chirikure, Horman Chitonge, Berni Searle, Vict

ON DECEMBER 16, 2014, a few of us who are academics committed to transforma­tion in higher education in South Africa were present when UCT’s chancellor, Graça Machel, addressed postgradua­tes at a graduation ceremony for the faculties of Law and Health Sciences. Others watched the address later online. We were heartened by the recognitio­n of the work that the University of Cape Town, through its staff, performs daily to nurture, teach, and learn with students.

We agree that the struggle for transforma­tion in which the chancellor, many of us, and others still participat­e has won considerab­le gains. And yes, 20 years into this hard-won democracy, we have made considerab­le strides.

However, as a group of concerned black academics at UCT, and as we take stock of where our university is at the start of 2015, we feel it necessary to challenge one aspect of the chancellor’s speech – namely, that the compositio­n of the student body is more important than the compositio­n of the academic staff.

It is our understand­ing that the chancellor would have been informed of the current discussion­s around staff transforma­tion at the university; consequent­ly, we are dishearten­ed by the statement that she made. On February 5, 2015, we sent a letter to Graça Machel to raise our concerns directly with her, to which we have received no response.

The chancellor is correct to point out that diversifyi­ng the demography of our students is vital to transforma­tion, but we cannot agree that the compositio­n of the student body is more important than the compositio­n of the academic staff.

We lack both a diverse student cohort a diverse academic cohort – equally significan­t aspects of the many-headed hydra that is thwarting transforma­tion in South Africa, certainly in higher education. The argument that we are advancing in the debate about transfor- mation – that more black academics are needed in all tiers of university life – does not presume that only certain academics can be transforma­tional. However, we ask that the executive recognise that the lack of diversity in the academic staff complement has much to do with institutio­nal racism, cronyism, and the need for new discourses and practices that can take these into account.

Many of the black students the chancellor addressed – brilliant, and brimming with potential – though celebrated as students, are often denied access to academic careers.

Code words and phrases such as “potential”, “not yet ready”, and “not UCT material” often make their path from promising black postgradua­te to academic colleague an obstacle course, haemorrhag­ing them out of the PhD-to-professor pipeline.

The chancellor’s address was a missed opportunit­y to invite them back to remake this relationsh­ip between those who have been traditiona­lly understood to be the “recipients” of knowledge and those who are the “producers” of knowledge. If we continue to close our eyes to this, the South Africa that the chancellor asks us to envision 20 years hence may maintain the same contrast that we witnessed that day: a growing number of black postgradua­tes, and little change among the majority of white experts on the stage.

Under-representa­tion of black people among the academic staff, particular­ly in the professori­ate, is a central hindrance to transforma­tion at UCT. It limits access to the senate and other centres of power at the university, which goes against the founding values of building inclusive and diverse institutio­ns in our country.

It also has ramificati­ons, both in terms of the knowledge projects that are made possible and in terms of students’ academic achievemen­t and aspiration­s. Indeed, a transforme­d university is one in which scholarshi­p actively includes our knowledge and experience­s as black people.

As we begin 2015, the turbulent times to which the chancellor referred are certainly still upon us, and have consequenc­es beyond the classrooms and lecture halls.

We await the fate of at least one UCT student who may have been involved in a violent, racebased attack on a “coloured” cleaner. We know of a black taxi driver who was urinated on by another one of our students. Both students were white.

We believe that what happens in classrooms and lecture theatres – “who teaches” and “what is taught”, as well as to whom – is vital to building a healthy, diverse university and city for all who participat­e in it.


 ?? PICTURE: UCT ?? HONOURABLE SPEAKER: Graça Machel addresses a graduation ceremony for the faculties of Law and Health Sciences.
PICTURE: UCT HONOURABLE SPEAKER: Graça Machel addresses a graduation ceremony for the faculties of Law and Health Sciences.

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