Cape Argus

Holy bans have ended – but not on gays


IN HIS letter (“Am I just a slave to religion?”, Cape Argus, July 9), Andre de Villiers raises rational questions that can be easily answered within the historic context.

Since Andre only uses quotes from the Old Testament the responses are generally limited to the Jewish experience of our mutual Abrahamic faith.

When the Jews were liberated from Egypt by divine interventi­on they were en route to the holy land. While Moses was on Mount Sinai receiving the Ten Commandmen­ts, some Jews made an idol to worship in direct violation of God’s command.

Later, when the Jews entered the holy land and were called into battle to gain tenure, they refused.

Some arrogantly told Moses to tell God to wipe out the opposition.

In response, God ordered Moses to wander the desert for 40 years so that a generation could die and a new generation could enter the holy land.

In the wilderness, the Torah was revealed and the laws were purposely made difficult to punish the Jewish people for their insolence.

Many difficult laws were abrogated when God sent Jesus of Nazareth as a mercy to restore and clarify the gospel, which is told in the New Testament.

Thus slavery, the work-free Sabbath, eating shellfish, wearing two diverse cloths, smiting people willy-nilly, etc. were not enforced.

Since some Jewish scholars also skirted many noble orders and turned this to their gain, interventi­on was required.

For example, usury – or modern-day interest, on which the world economic system is based – was always forbidden.

The money-lenders scam in the Temple was tested when Jesus overturned the tables.

What Andre must appreciate is that there are some laws that were not abrogated and that will remain until judgement day and which no study or human law can rescind or refute.

Homosexual­ity is one of those laws as it is confirmed by the Torah, Bible and Qur’an which cement the divinity of the decree.

Cape Muslim Congress


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