Cape Argus

Determine your child’s learning style


Take this VAK Learning Styles SelfAssess­ment Questionna­ire from the Swinburne University of Technology. Circle the answer that most represents how your child generally behaves.

1 When I want to work a computer I generally: a) Read the instructio­ns first; b) Listen to an explanatio­n from someone who has used it before; c) Go ahead and have a go, I figure it out as I use it.

2 When I need directions for travelling I usually: a) Look at a map; b) Ask for spoken directions; c) Follow my nose and maybe use a compass.

3 When I want to cook, I: a) Follow a written recipe; b) Call a friend for an explanatio­n; c) Follow my instincts, testing as I cook.

4 If I am teaching a friend something new, I tend to: a) Write instructio­ns down for them; b) Gave them a verbal explanatio­n; c) Demonstrat­e first and then let them have a go

5 During my free time I most enjoy: a) Going to museums and galleries; b) Listening to music and talking to my friends; c) Playing sport

6 When I go shopping for clothes, I: a) Imagine what they would look like on me; b) Discuss them with the shop staff; c) Try them on and test them out.

7 When my family want help choosing a holiday, I usually: a) Read lots of brochures; b) Listen to recommenda­tions from friends; c) Imagine what it would be like to be there.

8 When I listen to a band, I can’t help: a) Watching the band members and other people in the audience; b) Listening to the lyrics and the beats; c) Moving in time with the music.

9 When I concentrat­e, I most often: a) Focus on the words or the pictures in front of me; b) Discuss the problem and the possible solutions in my head; c) Move around a lot, fiddle with pens and pencils and touch thing.

10 When I am anxious, I: a) Visualise the worst-case scenarios; b) Talk over in my head what worries me most; c) Can’t sit still, I fiddle and move around.

Add up and, if mostly As, your child has a visual learning style; mostly Bs, your child has an auditory learning style; mostly Cs, your child has a kinaesthet­ic learning style.

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