Cape Argus

Star Guide

- - William Smith -

Aries MAR 21 APR 21

Astroline 083 9140 601 Devote more of your attention and time to your loved ones. Give them assurance by showing how much you care, by taking care of their needs and wants, and by doing all that you can to create domestic harmony. Go easy on the younger set. (SMS ARI to 34703)

Libra SEP 23 OCT 23

Astroline 083 9140 607 Focus on your business interests while chances for impressive accomplish­ments are at hand. At least, you should find a way to earn a little extra – at best, you will show a good profit. Just ensure that you are talking to top people. (SMS LIB to 34703)

Taurus APR 21 MAY 21

Astroline 083 9140 602 Balance work and recreation in order enjoy the best of both worlds. Draw up a schedule that enables you accomplish important aims and provides you with time to savour the fruits of your labour. Get ahead by being positive and pleasant. (SMS TAU to 34703)

Scorpio OCT 23 NOV 23

Astroline 083 9140 608 Cater to your enquiring mind because it will bring you fine friendship­s as well as fresh interests and great joy. With the right connection­s, you can go much further in life – and there is no better time than now for forging new alliances. (SMS SCO to 34703)

Gemini MAY 21 JUN 22

Astroline 083 9140 603 You can now progress best through your own efforts, so be confident and less reliant on others. However, balance physical exertion with regular relaxation so as to ensure ongoing energy. Attention to detail produces splendid results. (SMS GEM to 34703)

NOV 23 DEC Sagittariu­s 22

Astroline 083 9140 609 It is time to make major decisions. You have to cut yourself loose from somebody or something in order to move ahead in a particular area of your life. If you can free yourself timeously, you will make a good start and fine progress. (SMS SAG to 34703)

Cancer JUN 22 JUL 23

Astroline 083 9140 604 The act of talking things out with a dear relative or trusted friend will give you great satisfacti­on and relief in itself. Discuss your problem honestly and stick to the facts. You are likely to get good advice and willing assistance. (SMS CAN to 34703)

Capricorn DEC 22 JAN 21

Astroline 083 9140 610 Anticipate a vital turning point in your personal life. This is the time when darkness surrenders to light – when fresh inspiratio­n and renewed purpose enable you to get out of the doldrums. You have a new chance to put things right. (SMS CAP to 34703)

Leo JUL 23 AUG 24

Astroline 083 9140 605 Happiness is yours for the taking provided you do not hold on to old emotions. This is a fine session for romance so make time for encounters of the closest kind. You can attract a new admirer if single, or would like a new love affair. (SMS LEO to 34703)

Aquarius JAN 21 FEB 20

Astroline 083 9140 611 Step up your financial demands if you need extra spending power. Seek a raise if you feel you deserve it. Introduce money-saving systems supposing you are self-employed. This is a potentiall­y fortunate time for acquiring extra money. (SMS AQU to 34703)

Virgo AUG 24 SEP 23

Astroline 083 9140 606 Sensible forward thinking is necessary. An open discussion with an influentia­l superior concerning your career and the future could give your aspiration­s and hopes a welcome boost. Show that you are ambitious and ready for great things. (SMS VIR to 34703)

Pisces FEB 20 MAR 21

Astroline 083 9140 612 The onus is on you to turn your excellent ideas to practical use. Others need help and you are the one who can weigh in with apt advice. Some pleasant news or an important message comes your way – giving you a new slant on an issue. (SMS PIS to 34703)

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