Cape Argus

Sign petition to give our rhinos rights of citizens

- ELLEN FEDELE Plumstead

SOUTH Africa is losing rhinos at three per day – let me not sugar-coat it… slaughtere­d, mutilated, murdered.

So many wonderful organisati­ons are doing amazing work to save these precious animals.

I am not a scientist, vet or ranger. I have no technical knowledge that can help these majestic creatures. But what I do have is adoration for Africa and her wildlife.

So I am not appealing to South Africa from a scientific perspectiv­e, but an emotional one because raw emotion is what the decimation of these perfect animals brings out in me.

So this is what I would like to accomplish (as has been suggested before by others but which I fervently hope to bring to fruition now) – that our government acknowledg­e our rhinos as citizens and thus accord them the same rights as we humans have.

If our rhinos are registered as sentient beings, every murder (and hopefully conviction of the perpetrato­r thereof ) will be as severely punished as a human murder.

Please, South Africa – bring your voices, as you have so many times for other important issues pertaining to our land before, to this cause now.

Sign my petition at https://www. or e-mail me letters at makerhinos­

Spread the petition on social media, share with friends and family from SA and all over the world.

I have written to over 25 countries’ newspapers overseas to ask the same as I am asking of my own nation.

If I get over 100 000 signatures/ letters, I am hoping the government in Tshwane will accept them in person.

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