Cape Argus

ANCYL hits back at SACP for open attack on Zuma

- Bongani Hans

PRESIDENT Jacob Zuma’s ANC Youth League supporters in KwaZulu-Natal have launched an attack on the SACP, which called for Zuma to be held accountabl­e for making moves to replace Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan with “looters”.

There has been speculatio­n that Zuma might replace Gordhan with former Eskom boss Brian Molefe. But the ANCYL said Zuma should be allowed to exercise his constituti­onal powers without interferen­ce.

“It is unfortunat­e that the SACP chose to address the ANC on the media platform. For us as young people, it sets a bad example,” said ANCYL eThekwini spokespers­on Thulisa Ndela.

The ANCYL was reacting to a press briefing yesterday in which SACP deputy-general secretary Solly Mapaila attacked Zuma for how he handles the Treasury, as well as the ANC for appointing Molefe as a member of Parliament “despite a cloud hanging over his head”.

“There is a huge matter hanging over a comrade’s head, and as that matter has not been cleared you cannot give that comrade massive responsibi­lity like taking him to Parliament,” said Mapaila.

He also lashed out at Zuma, saying the president had disclosed his intention to replace Gordhan and his deputy, Mcebisi Jonas. Mapaila said removing the two would open the finance department to looting.

“You must not allow the parasites and vultures to encircle and loot it (Treasury) completely, which is the impression that is created that now we will open the floodgate for everyone to go and loot that particular department,” he said.

“If there is any wrong-doing that Comrade Molefe had done he must be charged and prosecuted,” Ndela said. “But you can’t wake in the morning and decide that Brian Molefe does not smell right, therefore he must not be appointed in the cabinet.”

Meanwhile, Mapaila said Zuma’s decision to recall Gordhan and Jonas from their investment roadshow to Britain and the US had compromise­d South Africa’s reputation.

But Ndlela said that it was correct for Zuma to recall Gordhan and Jonas if he felt that the trip was threatenin­g the security of the country.

Political analyst Bheki Mngomezulu said: “The relationsh­ip between ANC and SACP had been already strained prior to local government elections.

“This has worsened the situation as it appears that if Zuma fires Gordhan, some ministers might resign.”

 ?? PICTURE: DAVID RITCHIE ?? CRITICISED: President Jacob Zuma has come under fire from the SACP for reportedly wanting to replace Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan.
PICTURE: DAVID RITCHIE CRITICISED: President Jacob Zuma has come under fire from the SACP for reportedly wanting to replace Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan.

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