Cape Argus

Elder: Enough, Mr Zuma


DEAR Mr President, it is with great sadness that I write this letter to you, as I am so disappoint­ed in you and I never believed in my wildest dreams that only after 20-plus years of our new democracy someone like you would come along and impoverish us, the people of this beautiful country, with your extreme greed.

In order to assist you with your actions, you have appointed many incapable ministers who cannot do their work, which is to serve the people to enjoy better living conditions in all spheres of life.

By way of example: to have electricit­y, clean water, good education and, most of all, a thriving and stable economy, so that investment­s can flow into the country.

However, you have personally failed us with your appointmen­ts of cronies and the enrichment of family and friends at the expense of the people.

Instead of proving to the world that a black ANC government can rule and rule well, you have fallen into the trap of temptation and are giving in to the weakness of taking that which is not yours and treating the taxpayers’ hard-earned money as your personal piggy bank to raid sometimes by stealth and sometimes with open abandon, as if you just couldn’t help yourself.

What is so sad is that none of the inner circle of ministers appear to be able to stop you, as they are paralysed by fear of losing their well-paid jobs.

Thus they are just allowing you and your cronies to go ahead and raid each and every parastatal and government department at will.

It would appear that you are determined to get your hands on the National Treasury thus you are allegedly trying to discredit the Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan and by all accounts you reportedly want to appoint Mr Brian Molefi instead.

As a pensioner, I must remind you that your previous attempt to appoint a Mr (Des) Van Rooyen caused pension funds to lose millions overnight, and the country lost billions of rands as investors withdrew their money overnight.

Your irresponsi­ble intended actions will again lead to further job losses and further impoverish­ment of us the pensioners, who have planned and saved for retirement.

However there is nothing safe about you being the president of our beautiful country.

Please sir, leave Gordhan and his team to get on with that which they are supposed to do and desist from doing what you intend to do.

They say that people cannot change, however, give us hope that you can do so and leave the presidenti­al office and go home to enjoy your palatial Nkandla.

 ??  ?? TRAGIC: Missing children: top row from left, Rene Roman, Lucas Cederus, Shasha Lee November, Stasha Arendse. Bottom row: Matthew Ohlsson, Kauther Bobbs, Shaskia Michaels, Inako Innoch.
TRAGIC: Missing children: top row from left, Rene Roman, Lucas Cederus, Shasha Lee November, Stasha Arendse. Bottom row: Matthew Ohlsson, Kauther Bobbs, Shaskia Michaels, Inako Innoch.
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