Cape Argus

Be a better house guest, get invited back


TO BE A good guest, you need to keep your room neat and not leave anything behind when you leave.

Whether you have a private bedroom and bath, or you’re sharing a mattress with a cat, being a gracious guest is the key to a good experience for all. My feeling is: good hosts make good guests. “To me, the perfect house guest is someone who just starts to pitch in and help without asking,” Voulgaris says. Here are more ideas:

Bring a gift. The best things to buy are food, entertaini­ng supplies, flowers or wine. We suggest freshly baked goods or a luxurious, scented candle. I try to spot something the house could need – steak knives or a new toaster, perhaps – so when I return I can bring that as a present. One friend noticed we needed a tray at our beach house and sent us one for Christmas.

If you are sharing a bathroom, keep the sink and shower clean and store all your grooming products in your bedroom.

Help with chores. Don’t sit there and expect to be served. Hosts appreciate your clearing plates from the table, emptying the dishwasher and stripping the bed when you leave. Set up the coffee for the next day.

Don’t sneer at the microwave bacon. When you’re a guest, you get to know your hosts on a different level. They may not buy the same kinds of foods as you do. So if they stock only skim milk for coffee and you want something else, just go with it or bring your own.

Don’t leave anything behind. No host wants to run a lost-and-found. Check for phone chargers, the back of the bathroom door for bathrobes and the shower stall for shampoo.

Give thanks often. Say thank you after every meal. When you leave, be enthusiast­ic about the effort your host made to create a wonderful time. A handwritte­n note is a beautiful gesture that will put you on the A-list.

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