Cape Argus

How three cups of coffee a day could extend your life


DRINKING three cups of coffee a day could extend your life, research suggests.

Two major studies, one led by British researcher­s and one in the US, have independen­tly found consuming up to three cups a day reduces the risk of an early death.

The papers, both published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, found links between coffee and reduced risks of liver disease, circulator­y problems and diseases linked to the digestive tract.

The scientists believe the antioxidan­t plant compounds in coffee are responsibl­e, rather than caffeine. People who drank decaffeina­ted were also protected, they found.

Coffee seems to improve liver function, reduce inflammati­on and boost the immune system, they said.

The Imperial College London and the UN Internatio­nal Agency for Research on Cancer study, tracked 520 000 people over the age of 35 in 10 countries for an average of 16 years.

It found men who drank three cups of coffee a day were 18% less likely to die over that period, when compared with people who did not drink coffee at all. Women had an 8% reduced chance of death.

The US study, led by the University of Southern California, which involved 186 000 people, who were also tracked for 16 years, found similar results. Americans who consumed a cup of coffee a day were 12% less likely to die, compared with those who didn’t drink coffee, and those who drank three cups had an 18% reduced chance of death.

Dr Marc Gunter of the internatio­nal agency, said: “We found higher coffee consumptio­n was associated with a lower risk of death from any cause, and specifical­ly for circulator­y and digestive diseases. “Importantl­y, these results were similar across all 10 European countries, with variable coffee drinking habits and customs.” The researcher­s also found coffee drinkers had healthier livers overall and better glucose control than non-coffee drinkers. Coffee contains a number of compounds which interact with the body, including caffeine, diterpenes and antioxidan­ts, and the scientists believe some of these have a protective impact. Gunter said: “We are not at the stage of recommendi­ng people to drink more or less coffee. That said, our results suggest that moderate amounts – up to around three cups per day – is not detrimenta­l and that incorporat­ing coffee into your diet could have health benefits.” US study leader Dr Veronica Setiawan, of the Keck School of Medicine, said: “Coffee contains a lot of antioxidan­ts and phenolic compounds that play an important role in cancer prevention.” 2.25 billion cups of coffee are drunk worldwide each day.

Its use is thought to date from 11th century Ethiopia, when a goatherd noticed his animals became energetic after eating the berries of a coffee plant.

Caffeine is the most widely used drug in the world, consumed every day by 90% of us. It stimulates the central nervous system, reducing tiredness and increasing alertness.

Coffee is said to protect against womb and liver cancer and reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and Alzheimers.

But drinking more than 0.4g a day has been linked to anxiety, sleeplessn­ess and disturbed heart rhythm. – Daily Mail

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