Cape Argus

Committees seek funds to probe alleged state capture

- Siyabonga Mkhwanazi

ALL EYES are on Speaker Baleka Mbete, to see whether she will accede to the demands of the portfolio committees in Parliament for more resources to probe state capture.

This comes as the portfolio committee on public enterprise­s and the portfolio committee on mineral resources yesterday said they will separately approach Mbete for more resources.

House chairman Cedric Frolick ordered four portfolio committees in June to investigat­e state capture after the leaked emails and various allegation­s against the Gupta family.

At the time he instructed the committees to do this, the portfolio committee on public enterprise­s had already started a process to investigat­e Eskom, but it widened its mandate to include other state-owned entities after Frolick’s interventi­on.

In addition to public enterprise­s and mineral resources, the other committees tasked to investigat­e state capture are home affairs and transport.

The two committees have not yet met to discuss plans and scope for the investigat­ion. The public enterprise­s committee was caught up in the same debate, agreeing to send its acting chairperso­n Zukiswa Rantho, Narend Singh of the IFP and Natasha Mazzone of the DA to meet the Speaker. Members of the public enterprise­s committee said they will not be able to do their work without an evidence leader. They also need more resources.

Singh warned in the meeting that it would be important for the committee to have the required resources and technical expertise to deal with the matter.

“If we are serious about getting to the bottom of the graft and corruption we need to be assured by powers that be in Parliament with the finances, that we will be given the resources,” said Singh.

Steve Swart of the African Christian Democratic Party said the key thing was to ensure they recover the money that has been allegedly stolen.

Moss Tseli of the ANC also agreed that Parliament would have to provide the needed resources for a proper investigat­ion to be conducted.

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