Cape Argus

Please stop scamming desperate job seekers with 086 number


I AM a concerned citizen who’s especially (worried) about job seekers who are desperate and looking for work.

I believe they are being scammed by many job websites which are flooding the internet for those looking for work in South Africa.

Some numbers seem to be fraudulent, used to extort money from job seekers as the costs of paying for the 086 fax services is extremely high and unfair for the job seeker.

The charges for the fax services these bogus internet cafes charge are always increasing and expensive.

I am over 45 years old and know from experience that people never used this 086 number but used local area codes, which are much cheaper for faxing.

If these job advertisin­g companies are for real, why do they not use emails? Because that is what genuine companies are using to advertise their available positions.

People have no idea that they are being scammed of their last pennies by this 086 number used by these fly-by-night career websites.

I also suspect that the internet cafes where people fax their resumés are making money off it, or perhaps they are given a percentage for that.

Thank you very much for your article on unscrupulo­us loan sharks extorting money on the internet from borrowers.

Mathew Macron

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