Cape Argus

Trump slams Iran, threatens to destroy North Korea


NEW YORK: US President Donald Trump threatened to “totally destroy” North Korea and called on Iran to stop its “death and destructio­n” in a speech to the UN General Assembly on Tuesday.

Trump accused Iran of supporting terrorism and spreading death and chaos in the Middle East.

“We cannot allow this regime to continue these activities while developing missiles” that threaten the region, Trump said.

“It is time for Iran to end its death and destructio­n,” the president warned. “Iran’s government must stop supporting terrorists and support its own people and respect its neighbours,” he said.

“The good people of Iran want change,” said Trump. “Other than the vast power of the US military it is the people of Iran that the regime fears most.”

The US president added: “Oppressive regimes cannot endure for ever. Will Iran continue down the path of violence, or will they return to a nation of culture and wealth?”

Trump praised other nations in the Gulf which he said had vowed to stop terrorism in the region.

“The Iranian support for terrorism is in stark contrast to its neighbours in the Gulf,” he said. “We all agree to fight terrorism and Islamic extremism that fuels it.”

This view runs contrary to considerab­le evidence in a speech by former US Vice President Joe Biden and in WikiLeaks releases, including an email from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, that it has been the government­s of Saudi Arabia and Qatar that have been directly financing terrorists groups like Islamic State (IS) in Syria.

Speaking to a hall full of heads of state and government­s, Trump had very strong words on North Korea. “No one earth wants this band of criminals to have nuclear weapons.” Trump said.

If North Korea does not denucleari­se and if diplomacy fails, “We will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea,” Trump said. Such a direct threat of annihilati­on of another member of the UN may have been the strongest words ever uttered from the podium of the UN General Assembly. – Independen­t Foreign Service

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