Cape Argus

Big Walk has big benefits

Middle age is not too late to start working on cardio fitness, says new study


THOSE still contemplat­ing whether or not to enter the Cape Town Big Walk on March 18 (entry form at the bottom of this page) should take note of a new study by the Mayo Clinic in the US. Mayo Clinic Proceeding­s tracked changes in fitness and mortality among more than 6 000 people who were on average in their late forties at the outset.

Those who maintained or improved their fitness over 4.2 years had a 40% lower mortality rate than those who lost fitness due to insufficie­nt activity.

While 65 may represent an upper age limit for changes to heart function, consistent exercise can offer other health payoffs to older adults.

A study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine investigat­ed the walking habits of 139 000 Americans who were nearly 71 when first monitored. Thirteen years later, those who reported little to no weekly walking had died at a rate 26% higher than those who walked regularly, but for less than two hours a week.

Those who walked two to six hours a week had a mortality rate 36% lower than the under-two-hour group.

“Walking is simple, free, and does not require any training,” the researcher­s concluded. “Thus it is an ideal activity for most, especially as they age.”

Ben Levine, senior author and director of the Institute for Exercise and Environmen­tal Medicine in Dallas, said: “Exercise supplies many benefits that can be achieved even if it is started later in life and at low doses,” he says. “I ask my patients: If there was a pill that could increase your strength, balance, and endurance while reducing the risks of heart disease, diabetes, hypertensi­on, Alzheimer’s and many cancers, would you take it?”

The most remarkable of the papers, “Reversing the Cardiac Effects of Sedentary Ageing in Middle Age”, was published in Circulatio­n, journal of the American Heart Associatio­n. For precision results, they probed into their subjects’ heart ventricles.

Individual­s in the exercise group, who had an average age of 53 when they started working out after years of sedentary living, increased their aerobic fitness by 18%.

They also improved their cardiac compliance, or elasticity, by 25%.

The improvemen­t in cardiac elasticity was deemed particular­ly noteworthy, as it had never been seen before in mid-life adults. Loss of elasticity is a major cause of heart failure.

“The biggest and most surprising result of our study was the magnitude of the increased cardiac compliance,” said Levine.

“A 25% increase in cardiac elasticity is huge. It allows the heart to fill more easily and pump more blood.”

The control group practised yoga, balance exercises or strength training three times a week for two years – much more than many inactive adults. Yet their aerobic fitness declined by 3%, and their cardiac compliance didn’t change.

“This was a very sophistica­ted study, even a sensationa­l one,” said Paul Thompson, a cardiologi­st at Hartford Hospital in Connecticu­t, who was not involved in the study.

In earlier studies, Levine had shown that older athletes have roughly the same degree of cardiac compliance as young adults. However, he had also discovered that regular exercise couldn’t increase the cardiac compliance of subjects over 65.

Now he believes he has found the “sweet spot” in time when adults can still enhance their heart function: from ages 45 to 64.

“We have demonstrat­ed that if you incorporat­e regular exercise into your daily life, starting no later than middle age, you can restore the youthfulne­ss of your heart muscle,” he says.

Levine’s subjects followed an exercise program similar to those used by serious athletes, beginning with low-intensity “base training” workouts three times a week for 30 minutes each. After four weeks, the subjects began using a little more effort.

Later, they added interval training to their regimen, and one weekly longer workout of at least 60 minutes. During peak training, they worked out four or five times a week for about 180 minutes in total – 30 minutes more than the minimum standard of 150 minutes a week recommende­d by many fitness guidelines.

Some would judge this too hard and time-consuming for many busy adults. Levine disagrees, noting his subjects completed 88% of their assigned workouts, with nearly a quarter hitting 97%.

“Exercise is so important that people should think of it as part of their personal hygiene, like brushing their teeth,” he said.

“Our program isn’t difficult to incorporat­e into your life. You should do one fun activity for at least an hour on the weekend, and one hard activity for 30 minutes after your second cup of coffee another day.

“Then, on another two or three days, exercise for 30 minutes while you’re watching TV.” – Staff Reporter/Washington Post


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 ?? PICTURE: DAVID RITCHIE/AFRICAN NEWS AGENCY (ANA) ?? STEP IT OUT: The biggest and most surprising result of the study was the magnitude of the increased cardiac compliance. ‘A 25% increase in cardiac elasticity is huge, it allows the heart to fill more easily and pump more blood,’ says study author Ben...
PICTURE: DAVID RITCHIE/AFRICAN NEWS AGENCY (ANA) STEP IT OUT: The biggest and most surprising result of the study was the magnitude of the increased cardiac compliance. ‘A 25% increase in cardiac elasticity is huge, it allows the heart to fill more easily and pump more blood,’ says study author Ben...
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