Cape Argus

Merkel to give critic cabinet position


BERLIN: German Chancellor Angela Merkel would promote one of the most prominent critics from within her conservati­ve party, Jens Spahn, to the cabinet, handing him the post of health minister, Bild am Sonntag newspaper reported yesterday.

Putting Spahn, who sharply criticised Merkel’s open-door migrant policy and is seen as a champion of the party’s right wing, in the cabinet was a sign that Merkel was keen to assuage her critics who have called for new blood and a fresh direction.

The 37-year-old has been a deputy finance minister.

Citing party sources, Bild am Sonntag also reported that Merkel has, as expected, decided to put long-standing ally Peter Altmaier in charge of the economy ministry, responsibl­e for expanding broadband across the country.

The paper also said Ursula von der Leyen, once tipped as a possible successor to Merkel, would remain defence minister.

It also reported that senior CDU figure Julia Kloeckner would take over as agricultur­e minister.

Reuters was not able to confirm or deny the report.

After 12 years as chancellor and about 18 years as CDU chief, Merkel’s authority has started to wane.

Her conservati­ve bloc, which includes Bavaria’s Christian Social Union (CSU), scored their worst result since 1949 in a September election after bleeding support to the far-right Alternativ­e for Germany (AfD).

In a further blow, she failed to agree on a coalition deal with two smaller parties, forcing her to turn to the Social Democrats with whom she had shared power from 2013 to year.

A reluctant partner, having seen support fall to its lowest since World War II, the SPD agreed on a deal which party members have to vote on.

The result of the postal ballot is due on March 4 and is unclear.

Should members vote “no” to the deal, the most likely outcome would be a new election or possibly a minority government.

In response to growing rumblings in her party about her future, Merkel has promised “renewal”. She took a big step to grooming a successor last week by nominating ally Annegret Kramp-Karrenbaue­r, premier of the tiny western Saarland state, to take over as CDU general secretary.

CDU members meet today and were expected to approve the coalition deal and also Kramp-Karrenbaue­r in her post.

The SPD and CSU would announce their cabinet picks at a later date.

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