Cape Argus

SA 3rd in Africa on press freedom index

Ghana ranked as most free country when it comes to the press


JOURNALIST­S met in Ghana’s capital Accra yesterday to mark World Press Freedom Day, with freedom of the media on the continent coming under scrutiny. According to Reporters Without Borders’ Press Freedom Index for 2018, South Africa ranks third on the continent for media freedom, with Ghana ranked as Africa’s freest country when it comes to the press, coming in at 23rd internatio­nally out of 180 countries.

Namibia follows Ghana at number 26 while South Africa is ranked 28th internatio­nally. Towards the lower end of the index, Togo comes in at 86th internatio­nally, Liberia at 89, Tanzania at 93 and Kenya at 96.

Kenya had previously been regarded as having a freer media but a crackdown on the press following the political unrest and violence surroundin­g last year’s presidenti­al elections brought its ranking down.

At the bottom of the index, Ethiopia is ranked 150th internatio­nally, Rwanda at 156, Burundi at 159, Egypt 161, Libya 162, Somalia 168, Equatorial Guinea 171, Djibouti 173 and Sudan at 174.

The dubious reputation for having the least freedom of press on the continent goes to Eritrea, which scores the dismal ranking of 179 internatio­nally – with only North Korea ranking lower.

However, across Sub-Saharan Africa, government­s are continuing their crackdown on the media. In April, Uganda ordered internet service providers to shut down all news sites that had not been authorised by the communicat­ions regulator, the latest attempt by President Yoweri Museveni’s government to constrict the space for independen­t media.

The regulator said only 14 online publishers had met the requiremen­ts to remain online, which included a $20 fee (R253) and an Interpol clearance certificat­e.

Tanzanian President John Magufuli now requires bloggers to register, a privilege that could cost an initial $484and another $440 annually.

According to Reporters Without Borders, almost all of Angola’s media continues to be under the control of the government and ruling party. Journalist­s who are too critical of the government or who dare to cover corruption cases are usually arrested or prosecuted for defamation.

The government passed a series of media and communicat­ion laws in 2016 that put a government-controlled regulatory authority in charge of registerin­g and punishing media and journalist­s, and this control continues despite the swearing in of a new government.

Some positive news comes out of Gambia, however. After just over a year under President Adama Barrow, the page is turning for the Gambian media, which is blossoming in an unpreceden­ted manner. Private broadcast media have been launched and the print media is no longer afraid to criticise the government.

Last year, the Gambia was ranked 143rd internatio­nally but this year comes in at number 122, a 21-place rise on the freedom index.

 ?? PICTURE: REUTERS/ANN WANG ?? LOCKED UP: A man writes a goodwill message on a poster depicting detained Reuters reporters Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo at an event discussing press freedom, in Yangon, Myanmar on Workers’ Day.
PICTURE: REUTERS/ANN WANG LOCKED UP: A man writes a goodwill message on a poster depicting detained Reuters reporters Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo at an event discussing press freedom, in Yangon, Myanmar on Workers’ Day.

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