Cape Argus

UK’s propaganda may discredit Theresa May

Twenty-three Russian diplomats expelled, regardless of evidence

- Jessie Duarte

FAKE news is not new nor is it exclusive to elections. It could easily be found in other realms and the sphere of internatio­nal relations is not left untouched. We could very well argue that fake news is a chid of the political culture in which live in a “post-truth” society.

A political culture based on a post-truth society appeals to the emotions rather than truth. In other words, public figures will appeal to the emotions of those listening rather than appealing to fact. No longer is there an emphasis on detail, on scientific reason nor on theory but rather what is important is how a situation “makes one feel”.

In his seminal 1992 essay, in The Nation, on the concept of post-truth, the Serbian-American playwright Steve Tesich points out in particular the Iran-Contra scandal as an example of the public being duped. In that scandal the Reagan administra­tion sold arms to Iran despite the arms embargo on that country by the US. The sale of the arms was in exchange for, among others, supporting and funding the Contras in Nicaragua as well as freeing hostages that were held in Lebanon. Reagan later had to go on television and deny that his administra­tion was selling arms in exchange for freeing hostages and supporting the overthrow of the government in Nicaragua.

The release of informatio­n, by the Reagan administra­tion, which could easily amount to being fake news and which sought primarily to protect the president and senior officials served as an illustrati­on of this post-truth politics that existed, suggested Tesich. In a story that has been gripping the internatio­nal community in the last few weeks but has not been covered by our media, fake news and the post-truth political society has once again reared its head.

In a most ghastly attack, on the streets of the city of Salisbury in the UK, Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia were on their way to a mall on March 4. A former Russian double agent, Skripal and his daughter were found slumped on a bench in an outdoor mall in the city. It is believed that the pair had come into contact with military-grade nerve poison on their front door.

Ten days later, in a statement to the British Parliament, Theresa May, the prime minister, stated that what the British government was certain of, was that the nerve agent, Novichok, used in the attack, was produced in Russia. What they were uncertain of was whether the Russian government had instructed the attack on the former spy or whether the chemical weapon had fallen into the hands of the wrong people in Russia. Despite her uncertaint­y, not knowing who was responsibl­e for the attack, the May government nonetheles­s took action against the Russian government. Among the number of measures set in place was the expulsion of 23 Russian diplomats, identified as “intelligen­ce officers” or spies.

May had to be seen to act despite not knowing who was responsibl­e; not knowing the facts. Subsequent to the expulsion of these 23 Russian diplomats, the UK’s allies also expelled Russian diplomats. To date over 100 diplomats have been expelled from various countries including the US, France and Germany. In response, the Russian government, through the internatio­nal Organisati­on for the Prohibitio­n of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) proposed a joint investigat­ion into the incident. The British however responded, one dare say emotionall­y so, by suggesting that the proposal was “perverse”.

In the last few days however, May’s only fact has also been disputed. While she was uncertain of who was responsibl­e for the attack, she was certain that the nerve agent, Novichok, was produced by the Russians.

In an attempt to spread this falsehood, the British Foreign Office tweeted: “Analysis by world-leading experts at the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory at Porton Down made clear that this was a military-grade Novichok nerve agent produced in Russia.”

Boris Johnson, the UK foreign secretary, had also insisted that the “people of the Porton Down, the laboratory” were “absolutely categorica­l” as to where the nerve agent was manufactur­ed. Speaking to the German broadcaste­r Deutsche Welle, Johnson insisted that “there is no doubt…we have very little alternativ­e but to take the action we have taken…”

However, Her Majesty’s Foreign and Commonweal­th Office had to delete the tweet because the scientists at Porton Down laboratory had come out and insisted that they had stated no such thing. Gary Aitkenhead, head of the lab, indicated that while they were certain that only a “state actor” could produce and access such a chemical weapon, they could not for sure say where it was made.

As a result, the Russian ambassador to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, was rather correct when he termed the allegation­s against Russia a “fake story.” The UK government now have no clue who manufactur­ed the poison and who carried out the attack yet they continue to blame and take action against the Russian government.

The reality of course is that while the UK government is prepared to isolate the government of President Valdimir Putin they are only happy to continue to facilitate what Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the opposition in the UK and of the Labour Party, termed “the tidal wave of ill-gotten cash that Russian oligarchs – both allied with and opposed to the Russian government – have laundered through London over the past two decades.” This, he says, compromise­s May’s efforts in portraying a principled approach to Russia.

Corbyn, on the other hand, is all too familiar with the effects of a post-truth political culture and fake news. He saw it happening in the instances of the UK going to war in Afghanista­n, Iraq and then Libya. In all three those cases, he opposed the UK action based, among others, on the lack of facts.

Fortunatel­y, South Africa’s response to this saga and its attitude towards Russia has remained resolute. While the government of President Cyril Ramaphosa has not responded directly to the spy saga, it released a statement on March 20, congratula­ting President Putin on his re-election. What is most revealing is that the statement and well wishes are based on fact and not so much sentiment.

“South Africa and the Russian Federation”, said the statement, “enjoy close ties dating back to the days of the struggle against apartheid. Direct contacts between the former USSR and the ANC were establishe­d on a regular basis during 1963.”

Furthermor­e, the statement said that Ramaphosa was looking forward to strengthen­ing the political, economic and trade ties that already existed between the two countries.

 ?? PICTURE: AP ?? TAKING ACTION: British Prime Minister Theresa May had to be seen to act despite not knowing who was responsibl­e for the suspected nerve agent attack on Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in England on March 4, says the writer.
PICTURE: AP TAKING ACTION: British Prime Minister Theresa May had to be seen to act despite not knowing who was responsibl­e for the suspected nerve agent attack on Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in England on March 4, says the writer.

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