Cape Argus

Turnbull’s popularity on a high


SYDNEY: Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s personal popularity is at its highest level in two years, an opinion poll showed, but his government still trails the opposition a month before crucial by-elections.

The latest Newspoll, published by The Australian newspaper, gave Turnbull a 40% approval rating, the highest since his government was elected in 2016, as support for the far-right One Nation party has slumped. Bill Shorten, leader of the opposition Labor party, scored a personal rating of 33%. The result suggests Turnbull has shed the ill effects of a scandal over his deputy’s personal life and the disqualifi­cation of 11 lawmakers from parliament over their dual-citizen status, but his ruling party continues to lag behind.

Turnbull’s centre-right Liberal-National coalition trailed Labor 52-48 on a two-party preferred basis, according to the fortnightl­y poll. The ruling coalition has trailed in 34 straight Newspoll surveys.

“(Popularity) is personalit­y-driven and Turnbull, for at least more people, seems to come across favourably,” said Chris Salisbury, politics lecturer at the University of Queensland.

“But I don’t know that it necessaril­y translates to any greater chance of success for the coalition retaining government,” he added.

Turnbull’s office declined to comment, but Australian Treasurer Scott Morrison told Sky News he was “not fussed” by the poll numbers. Five by-elections scheduled for the end of next month do not threaten the government’s slender one-seat majority since they are all in seats held by rival parties. However, they will serve as a crucial test of the public mood ahead of a general election due next year. – Reuters

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