Cape Argus

West, BRICS 2 peas in pod


SOUTH Africa is a “minority” global player. Thus we need global alliances to survive.

It seems we have opted to neglect the West because of past colonial and imperial agendas. SA opted for BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India and China), which has its own historic and future problems.

India’s Hindu majority, high on racist nationalis­tic euphoria, regularly attack Muslims, even colonising Kashmir. The Hindu racist caste system is worse than apartheid. The historic cruelty is built on birth and skin colour.

China’s Hun majority uses its military to kill, imprison and subjugate minorities. China’s Muslims are earmarked for abuse – in the Xinxiang province even mosques are subjected to cultural approval as the design must be Chinese; Middle-East design is censured. Muslims officials are discourage­d from fasting and cultural variations are curtailed. Taiwan is in danger as China regards it as Chinese territory. The Dalai Lama, spiritual leader of millions, remains exiled. Russia has, for decades, brutally executed thousands of Muslims in the Chechen and Crimea region. Muslims being tortured and murdered is ignored by mainstream media as “Muslim lives do not matter”. When Tatar Muslims refused to co-operate with Russian-Crimean authoritie­s, the Kremlin accused them of being “Islamic extremists” and “terrorists”. Russian politician­s have made no secret of their sinister intent to ethnically cleanse Crimea of 250 000 Tatar Muslims.

Brazil also has huge problems with its own racism where the colonial master is dominant.

So what is the value for future generation­s when our BRICS partners have similar despotic qualities as the West – when minorities are abused because of skin colour or beliefs. Swopping a white oppressor for any other colour oppressor is stupid.

CLLR YAGYAH ADAMS Cape Muslim Congress

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