Cape Argus



The principals of participat­ing schools paraded their pride as their teams marched towards victory

I WOULD like to tell readers about my riveting experience in the Baxter on September 1. I was involved in a minor way, so I shall use the royal plural and say we hosted the final rounds of the Argus Food Lover’s World High School Quiz.

The visionary editor Aziz Hartley caused a heart-stopping moment when he asked for a minute’s silence for fallen pupil Keagan de Silver. It made us gulp.

Then there was the enthusiasm of the parents of the participan­ts. They cheered not only for their offspring, but also for the opposition. We hope the public support grows. The prizes alone are worth it. Then we look at the amazing logistics of the thing. For weeks there was studying, reading, memorising. The average citizen out there wouldn’t stand a chance against these young warriors and their prodigious knowledge of current, local and world affairs.

This is where the mentoring skills of teachers, and the sacrifice of their spare time paid off. They showed they cared and pupils responded.

The Principals of participat­ing schools paraded their pride as their teams marched towards victory.

Where, we ask fondly, are the other non-participat­ing schools?

Which ties into the reality that the private sector is beginning to queue up with cheque books to get the fiscal mileage this event can generate. The sponsors literally poured thousands into the thunderous success of this event.

Again we ask, where are the other role-players? These young pupils are future clients, spenders, familymake­rs who will improve your listing on the stock exchange.

And the team of back-room organisers and workers with whom the editor surrounds himself. Every one a winner, quietly efficient.

There had to be losers, but they learnt from the experience.

The participat­ion wasn’t entirely representa­tive of the new South African demographi­c.

Let those with inflexible historical and political baggage come and join us in the intellectu­al and academic arena.

It will grow the nation. It will fuel new achievemen­ts. We do not need an annual circus of A-graders paraded after every matric exam. Every child is worthy, even the D-liner. This format makes place for even the no-hoper.

Can you understand just a little of the pride and excitement I feel? Here is a chance for us all to truly become one nation.

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