Cape Argus

Shop boss gets 20 years

Suspected burglar was beaten with hammer, set alight and shot multiple times


FORMER Athlone factory shop boss Shabier Dalwai has been sentenced to 20 years in prison for the murder of Riedoh Hendricks, a man he suspected of robbing his shop.

His co-accused, Junaid Shaik and Samson Marico Makula, were sentenced to three years and 12 months’ correction­al supervisio­n, respective­ly.

Yesterday, Western Cape High Court Judge Elizabeth Baartman warned Shaik and Makula that the correction­al supervisio­n sentences came with the normal conditions of house arrest for the duration of their sentences.

While his co-accused left the dock as free men, Dalwai, owner of Carece Tissues, kept asking court orderlies for a little more time to say goodbye to his family who were sobbing in the court gallery.

On December 12, he was convicted of murder while Shaik and Makula were found guilty of assault with aggravatin­g circumstan­ces and kidnapping.

In her ruling, Judge Baartman said according to witness testimonie­s Dalwai had the intent to kill Hendricks after he had investigat­ed Hendricks over the break-in at his store.

Hendricks, after he was fingered for the robbery, was sought by Dalwai and found at a jewellery store in Athlone on July 9, 2014. Shaik and Makula assaulted and kidnapped him and brought him to Dalwai’s home. Hendricks was placed in a room at Dalwai’s home and beaten with a hammer with his hands tied to the back.

“The deceased was screaming, ‘I won’t do it again,’ and despite offering to show where the stolen tools were, Dalwai kept on hitting him with a hammer,” said Judge Baartman.

Hendricks was put in plastic bags and taken to Strandfont­ein where Dalwai ordered Makula and a state witness to buy petrol. He was set alight and shot multiple times.

 ?? ZODIDI DANO ?? FACTORY boss Shabier Dalwai was given a 20-year jail sentence for the murder of Riedoh Hendricks, a man he suspected of robbing his shop. |
ZODIDI DANO FACTORY boss Shabier Dalwai was given a 20-year jail sentence for the murder of Riedoh Hendricks, a man he suspected of robbing his shop. |

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