Cape Argus



BRIAN Isaacs is again raising the issue of the supposedly bullying tactics applied by the Labour Relations Department of the WCED (Cape Argus, October 3). Sadly, he does not produce any proof for this alleged derogatory statement.

The teachers and principals who hold the same view as Isaacs are not prepared to allow him to use their names in his letter to the media. Isaacs should take heed of this. It is clear his colleagues know better. No employer will allow an employee to lambast his organisati­on in public.

Employers would expect an employee to follow clearly defined protocol to address workplace problems. Isaacs could also have pursued his numerous problems with the various teacher unions that could have pursued each matter for him.

If an employee has exhausted all avenues available to him/her, then the next port of call is definitely not the media, but the courts. No employer that practises bullying tactics should be allowed to get away with it. But there should be proof and not simply a thumb-suck.

Based on the numerous letters of Isaacs in the newspapers over the years, it is clear that he did not follow proper protocol to address the various issues that he had with his employer. For if he did he would eventually have taken it to a court. And if he had valid legal grounds, various organisati­ons would surely have supported him financiall­y.

If an employee has a valid case then justice will prevail and the court will rule in his/her favour.

To date Isaacs has not proven that his employer was bullying him. On the contrary, in his letter he said it “tried to bully him”.


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