Cape Argus

The reality of teenage suicide


PARENTS have been warned to look out for signs of depression in their children as they run the last lap of the education year.

The World Health Organisati­on (WHO) said depression is globally the third highest disease burden among adolescent­s and suicide the second leading cause of death in the 15 to 29-year-old age group.

The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (Sadag) statistics show that 9% of teenage deaths in the country are due to suicide.

Sadag said children as young as 6 suffer from depression.

The organisati­on said there is a growing trend of university students who commit suicide.

Clinical psychologi­st and Sadag board member Zamo Mbele said: “Unfortunat­ely this has lead to many suicides… World Mental Health Day (marked yesterday) is important in spotlighti­ng mental illness and promoting mental wellness for the student population which is a growing vulnerable group.”

Sebolelo Seape, chairperso­n of the Psychiatry Management Group, said the prevention of teen suicides starts with better understand­ing of the symptoms of depression.

“Most people with depression are not suicidal, but most suicidal people are depressed,” she said.

She urged parents, teachers and friends concerned about a teenager at risk of suicide to show willingnes­s to “listen without judgement, provide reassuranc­e that they care and ask questions about suicidal thoughts”.

“Don’t try to argue them out of suicide and avoid guilt-inducing statements such as ‘suicide will hurt your family’.

Rather let them know you care and want to understand, that they are not alone and that problems and suicidal feelings are temporary – that depression can be treated,” she said.

Seape said almost one in 10 teenage deaths in South Africa every year were as a result of suicide.

Seape said warning signs and symptoms could include changes in eating and sleeping habits, loss of interest in usual activities, neglect of personal appearance or hygiene, withdrawal from friends and family, or running away from home.

“Alcohol and substance abuse, risk-taking behaviour, obsession with death and dying, and numerous physical complaints linked to emotional distress, are also signals as well as feelings of boredom, agitation, nervousnes­s, sadness, loneliness or hopelessne­ss.

“Some teenagers may actually pass verbal hints by talking about death and dying directly or indirectly… All threats of suicide must be taken seriously,” Seape said.

 ?? REUTERS African News Agency (ANA) ?? A MUSLIM girl studies at a madrassa, or religious school. |
REUTERS African News Agency (ANA) A MUSLIM girl studies at a madrassa, or religious school. |

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