Cape Argus

Listen to children

It is now up to our readers to positively enact on Education Watch’s encouragem­ents


TO BRING out the best in children, is to listen to them carefully and then to work hard to make their dreams materialis­e.

That is the caring-adult behaviour incumbent on us. Anything short of that is not even childish, it is hypocritic­al. It is that adult-care that motivated the Argus editorial team to publish the essays of children. It is now up to our readers to positively enact on Education Watch’s encouragem­ents.

When a child tells the government they “act like children” and people will act without them (Swiss child: Greta Thunberg and the Australian children protest against climate change), then it is the sign of the end of politics.

Politics today is not what Professor Murray defined: “Politics is an attempt to find a principle or guiding rule for people to live together happily.” (Standard Newspaper August 13, 1940).

Government­s and municipali­ties disturb the peace of children and people. If people put their trust in government­s and local elections and fail to take responsibi­lity for their children’s education, they are doomed.

Bullying, drugs, gangsteris­m, school violence and death of children and teachers will be the result. Why? Because capitalist­ically designed western education aims at creating competitiv­e individual­s who must have no regard for others.

Yes, there are benefits in Western capitalist­ic education, but it is individual success at the expense of the masses. This is then covered up with “charitable sponsorshi­ps” that make everyone beggars through the “Funding Proposal Culture”.

It is an indirect way of advertisin­g of corporate giants, whose employees strike for better pay while chief executives and bosses earn 312 – 1 000 times more than the average worker.

The best leaders, educationi­sts and companies are those that provide to people under their care what they need before they ask. Protesting is the art of keeping people in need, and by the time authoritie­s give them what they protested for, new needs have evolved. It is this which causes the vicious circle of strikes in “modern societies”.

Our present western educationa­l model teaches us to wait, while those in charge play around with policies that will disorient the public and keep them (the public) embroiled in dissatisfa­ction though media, discussion­s, debates, argumentat­ions and theses.

This saps their energies of people and profession­als and then they have no energy to be proactive. A perfect example is the liquor bill for schools that will be bulldozed through in 2019.

What will we as parents and civil society do about it? Be civil and wait to be ordered how to strike by the government (“Minister Oliphant’s New Guidelines for Strikes” – Argus, December 21, 2018). That tells you that even protests are manipulate­d in favour of authoritie­s .

I am writing to create a sense of urgency to take control over the valuable learning of our children. I resigned from state teaching when my research showed that being there made me an accomplice to official child abuse.

I opted to home school my children and the children of parents who felt the same. I lost half my pension payout; the other half I used to sponsor some children who could not afford the minimal fee I asked for my services. I earned 80% less than being a state teacher, but there was more blessings in my earnings than the salary of the state.

This bold step came after the first five years of research into a new model of education, referencin­g classic and ancient texts. My children were the first to be exposed to HLL (Holistic Leisure Learning), that emphasises whole-brain learning.

We can organise ourselves into an “Education Guild”, such as the Guilddays before modern government­s existed and listen to the words of Bertrand Russel, Dr Johnson, George Orwell, Leo Tolstoy, Thomas Naylor, C S Lewis and the modern writer, Tom Hodgkinson, when they warn us about the fact that government­s “are terrible machines of power”, “licensed to kill”.

Hodgkinson relates that if democracy was truthful, that the majority rules, then there should be no opposition parties after the election results (p141 How to be free). There is no honesty. That proves to us the importance of becoming self-reliant in the education and employment of our children.

Waiting for government­s to change and be fair is like waiting for South Africa to give up rugby and boerewors. Get the ball rolling. Visit my blog Bo Kaap Helper:

Business, Parent Educationa­l Consulting is a non-profit organisati­on that represents business and parents that aim to advise the state on how to ensure quality education and how to establish it ourselves.

 ?? African News Agency (ANA) ?? YES, there are benefits in Western capitalist­ic education, but it is individual success at the expense of the masses, the writer says. |
African News Agency (ANA) YES, there are benefits in Western capitalist­ic education, but it is individual success at the expense of the masses, the writer says. |

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