Cape Argus

Thugs robbing kids of quality education: ANC


BRAZEN thieves who broke into a new state-of-the-art primary school and made off with about 200 hi-tech tablets, laptop, desk computers and a television set have incurred the wrath of the ANC, which has called on the police to arrest the culprits and recover the equipment.

“The Gauteng ANC condemns in the strongest possible terms the callous acts of cowardice by criminals who, in the early hours of today, robbed the newly opened state-of-the-art Menzi Primary School in Tsakane, making off with valuable learning equipment (laptops, desktops, data projectors, digital video recorders, etc),” it said.

The break-in took place on Monday, a week after the new township primary school, east of Joburg, was opened amid much fanfare.

“By robbing the school, the thugs have clearly declared war against society as a whole.

“We cannot allow a situation where our children’s right to access quality education is undermined by criminals,” the ANC said.

“We call upon every member of the community, especially in Tsakane and the neighbouri­ng communitie­s, to assist the law enforcemen­t agencies with informatio­n that can lead to the apprehensi­on of those that committed this crime.

“Menzi Primary School is one of the new generation of schools that the ANC-led government in Gauteng has been opening every month, with the aim of ensuring that our children have access to the best possible facilities.” |

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