Cape Argus

Israeli, Palestinia­n conflict is not a genocide of one people by another


IN REFERENCE to Victor Stevens’s letter on January 15.

How do you respond to a mind as perverse as that of Stevens (When Palestinia­n equates to criminal)?

In his letter, Stevens refers to a remark made that during the Holocaust “it was worse being a Jew than a criminal” and wonders whether the word Jew could be changed to Palestinia­n.

Mr Stevens, never before in the history of mankind, has mass murder on the scale of the Holocaust been committed.

Never before, and not since, has an industry of death been developed with the sole purpose of wiping out an entire people.

The raison d’être of the Holocaust was to remove every Jew from the face of the earth, simply because he/ she was Jewish.

To consider changing the word Jew to Palestinia­n is to insinuate that Arabs and or Palestinia­ns in Israel are treated as Jews were during the Holocaust.

Where are the gas chambers Mr Stevens? Where are the concentrat­ion camps? Where are the mass graves of those shot by firing squads?

The Israeli/Palestinia­n conflict is just that – a conflict between two peoples.

It is not the genocide of one people by a perpetrato­r, as was the Holocaust.

To ignore the role played by Palestinia­ns in this conflict; to ignore suicide bombings, the car rammings and stabbings of Israeli citizens; to ignore the thousands of rockets fired into Israel and the undergroun­d tunnels that have been dug into Israel, all with the aim of murdering as many Israeli men, women and children as possible, is to see Jewish lives and Jewish security as inconseque­ntial.

And because you, Mr Stevens, quite obviously do see Jewish lives as inconseque­ntial, you are able, with no conscience, to stoop to the level of wondering whether a 94-year-old Holocaust survivor actually learnt anything from her experience­s.

What exactly would you like her to have learnt, Mr Stevens?

That Jews cannot rely on anybody for their safety and security? That the world is permeated with racists who hate for the sake of hating?

And that those who share your “ideals” will do anything to invert the truth – even to the extent of comparing Israel to Nazi Germany. MONESSA SHAPIRO Joburg

 ?? AYANDA NDAMANE African News Agency (ANA) ?? SOCCER FANS at the Winnie Mandela Internatio­nal Challenge at the Cape Town Stadium on Saturday. The Netherland­s beat Banyana Banyana 2-1. |
AYANDA NDAMANE African News Agency (ANA) SOCCER FANS at the Winnie Mandela Internatio­nal Challenge at the Cape Town Stadium on Saturday. The Netherland­s beat Banyana Banyana 2-1. |

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