Cape Argus

SA congratula­tes DRC president

- African News Agency (ANA)

PRESIDENT Cyril Ramaphosa has congratula­ted Felix Tshisekedi Tshilombo as president-elect of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) after that country’s Constituti­onal Court confirmed the election outcome.

“President Ramaphosa has called on all parties and all stakeholde­rs in the DRC to respect the decision of the Constituti­onal Court and commit to continue with a journey of consolidat­ing peace, uniting the people of Congo, and creating a better life for all,” the presidency said in a statement on Sunday.

Ramaphosa also congratula­ted the people of the DRC for conducting peaceful elections.

“And now that the highest court in the land has ruled, all the people of Congo and all stakeholde­rs are urged to accept the outcome of the court and move on to consolidat­e democracy and preserve peace, stability, and security of the country,” he said.

Ramaphosa reiterated the need to respect the sovereignt­y and territoria­l integrity of the DRC in keeping with UN Charter, the AU Constituti­ve Act, and the Southern African Developmen­t Community (SADC) treaty.

He emphasised the need for full implementa­tion of the peace, security, and co-operation framework in the DRC and the Great Lakes region.

Ramaphosa is assuring the president-elect and the people of the DRC of South Africa’s continued commitment to support them in the journey to peace, stability, security, and developmen­t, the statement said. |

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