Cape Argus




Cy the Cynic admits that to err is human. He also says that some people are a lot more human than others.

Cy was dummy in today’s deal. At four hearts, South took the ace of clubs and led the jack of trumps. East correctly played low; covering was unlikely to gain.

South continued with a trump to his queen and took the ace. He led a spade to dummy’s king, winning, but was stuck in dummy. When he exited with a club, East won and shifted accurately to the jack of diamonds, forcing out dummy’s ace. South then lost two diamonds and a spade for down one. Partners “People are human,” Cy growled, “especially my partners.”

The lie of the East-West cards was lucky, but South didn’t take advantage. South needs an extra entry to his hand. At Trick Two he can overtake the jack of trumps with his queen. He leads a spade to the king, returns a trump to his ten and takes the ace.

South can then lead a second spade toward dummy. The defenders get only West’s ace and a club trick.

Daily Question

You hold: Spades K Q 7 5 2 Hearts J 3 Diamonds A 4 3 2 Clubs A 6. You open one spade, your partner bids two hearts, you rebid two spades and he rebids three hearts. North in today’s deal raised to four hearts with this hand. Do you agree?

Answer: South promised long hearts but minimum high-card values for a two-level response. North’s decision was close, but since he had a bit of heart support, aces and a possible ruffing value, his raise looks fine to me. North dealer N-S vulnerable

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