Cape Argus

Mr Ramaphosa, Hanover Park killing carnage has to stop!

- PN HENDRICKS Hanover Park

MR RAMAPHOSA, I am sick and tired of getting to work to find out that a learner or ex-learners have been killed.

When is this carnage going to stop in Hanover Park?

Too many of our youth are growing up in homes with basically no family. It is either no mother and many a time no father.

The government must get these structures right… not tomorrow but now.

Hold parents accountabl­e for their actions. In the last couple of months we have lost many young souls.

At present another young learner is fighting for his life in hospital. For the youth in a community such as ours there is basically nothing for them to do.

The youth of today grow up in a violent area where problems are resolved using violence. It is only natural for them to sort out difference­s in this manner.

I am an angry person that has seen too many human beings die so young.

Mr Ramaphosa, I know you can’t be everywhere but what is happening to our “so-called coloured youth” is appalling.

You are worried about how teachers must act in the classroom about racist, sexist and whatever attitudes but loosing a life is more important.

How do we change the mindsets of the youth, how do we let them feel wanted, how do we embrace their youth? Youth unemployme­nt is the biggest shocker in our community of Hanover Park.

Learners are under pressure from their peers that are dropouts and from there they resort to illegal activities.

They are so young and don’t know what to do or where to go… how to live their lives?

The sad part about all these killings is that it has become a norm. You speak to the youth about what happened and they will tell you we can’t sit and mourn these senseless deaths. This is what scares a person: that life has become so cheap.

Political figures don’t care and the president of our country… does he care I don’t know. All I can do is lift up my eyes to the Lord; from there comes my help; and pray… God Bless!

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