Cape Argus




1 Bid for more than one associatio­n (3,5) 5 Afraid of cadres being reorganise­d (6) 9 Cutting down and losing weight (8) 10 Foreman famous for his blunders? (6) 12 She may finish a short way back (6) 13 The leather has changed colour (8) 15 What the lovesick are afflicted by? (5,7) 18 Observed in the twilight and didn’t approve (4,1,3,4)

23 Jewish sectarian from Persia, he worked out (8)

24 Five shown in new trade commercial (6) 26 Beastly result of boy meets girl (6) 27 Ancient charge brought by small girl (8) 28 Somehow reads about Oriental plant (6) 29 Various chances offered round one of these motor racing obstructio­ns (8)


1 Country likely to be carved up (6)

2 No newcomer to the boards in the NorthWest? (6)

3 Permit excessive freedom (7)

4 and 6 What fishing club members have to pay? (4,7)

7 Soldier given to plundering? (8)

8 What the phone did, indeed, and disturbed one (8)

11 In the dark he diverted the viceroy (7) 14 Commended for having had piano brought up (7)

16 Break in journey for provost touring out East (8)

17 Sovereigns pre-eminent in battle (8) 19 Glenda is worried about one having made a row (7)

20 Short of disease which will put a stop to mice, anyhow (7)

21 A highly blissful place (6)

22 Is deliberate­ly obstructiv­e about the theatre seats (6)

25 A Roman Catholic holy leader may be seen in a church (4)

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