Cape Argus




1 Pretentiou­sly, extravagan­tly (14)

10 Person employed to drive a car (9)

11 Former name of Myanmar (5)

12 Mediterran­ean principali­ty (6) 13 Disciplina­rian (8)

15 Form of frostbite from standing in cold water (6,4) 17 High-pitched bark (4) 20 Surprise attack (4) 21 Broadcasti­ng, spreading around (10)

23 Taking of a child as one’s own (8)

24 Drive forward (6) 27 Large horned animal (5) 28 Irregular, abnormal (9) 29 Foolish pursuit of something unattainab­le (4,5,5)


2 Frog’s eggs (5)

3 Capacity for producing the desired result (8)

4 Row, bank (4)

5 Type of earthenwar­e (5,5) 6 Paths described by satellites (6)

7 Plain in Tanzania famous for its wildlife (9)

8 Agent used to raise dough (5)

9 Curved sword (8) 14 Devotee (10) 16 Newspaper article stating the publisher’s opinion (9)

18 Boxer (8)

19 Rebuke (8)

22 Powerful (6)

23 Weapon shot from a bow (5)

25 Devout (5)

26 Wish for (4)

 ??  ??

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