Cape Argus

Scientific discoverie­s about the universe confirm what is written in the Qur’an


I WAS blown away by the first published pictures of a “black hole” and I’m proud of our very own South African astrophysi­cist, UCT alumni Roger Deans, and his involvemen­t and contributi­on towards the capturing of these momentous pictures and for his research work towards understand­ing the purpose of black holes.

According to scientists, black holes came into being almost at exactly the same time as the Earth and our universe.

All scientists and science-related people are doing stupendous work and are ironically unearthing and producing scientific proof of creation, ie that our Earth and its universe and all other universes started with a “big bang” and eg that our universe is also “expanding” all the time.

Most of the time I find it difficult to fathom or understand scientific­ally the inner workings of this – our God-given beautiful universe and other universes beyond our imaginatio­n. Mere mortal words fail to describe it all. In spite of my lack of scientific knowledge, I find it absolutely mind-blowing, the work scientist are doing and what they are discoverin­g every day. The world owes them a debt of gratitude.

I am totally engrossed by these latest pictures and all the articles and explanatio­ns that are being put forward on a daily basis to explain these black holes. Scientists are at their wits’ end trying to figure out what goes on inside one. There appear to be many more smaller and super-massive black holes. I have read dozens of these fascinatin­g stories and explanatio­ns and I’m struggling to absorb it all, but I’m confident that everything will be revealed sooner rather than later, as they did with the discovery of how the world began.

It was very easy for me to believe and accept as fact the explanatio­n by scientists of the ‘’big bang’’ theory and the ‘’expanding universe’’ theory about the beginning of the world and its universe, or universes. Remember, this discovery was made only recently, a couple of hundred years ago.

The reason for my blind belief is because amazingly in the Muslim’s holy book, the Qur’an, which was written more than 1400 years ago, the exact same words are used to describe the birth of the universe and the world as we understand it today. In one of its verses the Qur’an firmly states that our world and all universes came into existence via a “big bang” and are being “expanded” all the time.

So if black holes, which scientists agree were born at the same time as mother Earth, ie the time of the “big bang”, then it can be highly significan­t and possible that “black holes” are of extreme importance in relationsh­ip to Earth and our universe. They might even have something to do with the survival and protection of Earth and human kind, or to keep that equilibriu­m among universes.

Is it perhaps possible that black holes act like graveyards for all falling stars and catch all meteorites and other massive rocks before they even reach our universe or Mother Earth? We all know what the consequenc­es would be if we had to be the targets of these huge monsters, hurtling and crashing into Earth at the speed of light.

Remember there are also massive black holes that are millions of times bigger than Earth or the sun. There must be an explanatio­n for this black hole phenomenon. So let’s use Earth as an analogy.

Imagine if natural death or natural disasters were not part of life for humankind and for the animal kingdom, and that we were to live forever. What would have been the consequenc­es to Earth and its inhabitant­s? In short, because of shortages of food and living space etc, chaos, death and destructio­n would have been the order of the day and possibly the equilibriu­m of Earth would have been thrown out completely. The apocalypse may have come to pass long ago. I would then argue that the same applies to the universes above us.

So in a sense natural death and natural disasters can be regarded as a blessing from our creator for the benefit of mankind, and the same I suppose goes for the universes above and below us, and when death comes we all need a “black hole” to disappear into. Mo Noor Joseph Crawford

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