Cape Argus

It is in the best interests of the Western Cape to keep the DA in power


NOTWITHSTA­NDING divided opinion over things that the DA may have said or done over the past couple of years and how its approach to certain matters is a bone of contention for some, I believe the party, under Helen Zille’s administra­tion in the Western Cape, has done more than enough to have earned another 5 year term in office.

There is also no reason to believe that standards will be lowered under DA Premier candidate Alan Winde who, apart from serving in Zille’s provincial government with great success, is also the most fitting and least controvers­ial candidate of those running for this coveted position.

So voters are faced with a choice. Throw in their weight behind a stable, DA-run provincial government, that will enable them to build on progress over the last decade, or turn their back on the party in favour of other, smaller parties – which may leave the province at the mercy and probable instabilit­y of a coalition government. Or, even worse, the Western Cape lands up in the hands of a potential ANC/EFF/Good coalition, that are capable of nullifying everything that was achieved over the past 10 years.

Neither the DA nor its provincial government in the Western Cape is perfect, but it still offers the people of this province the cleanest and most efficient, provincial and municipal government in the country (as supported by independen­t observers). Frank Waso | Durbanvill­e

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