Cape Argus




“To err is human. To ‘arrr!’ is pirate.” — graffiti In a team match, one East committed some piracy. At both tables, North-South got to 3NT on a point-count auction, though many players would have opened 1NT as South. Both Wests led the jack of spades, and South won with the ace and led the ten of diamonds to finesse. One East took the queen and returned a spade to dummy’s king. Declarer couldn’t afford to force out the ace of diamonds — he would lose at least three spades — so he tried a club to his queen. The ace dropped East’s king, giving South five club tricks, three hearts and two spades.

Other Table

At the other table, East wasn’t eager to compel South to try the clubs. East won the first diamond with the ACE and returned a spade. Understand­ably, South led a heart to his hand and passed the nine of diamonds. He expected four diamonds, three hearts and two spades, but when East produced the queen and returned a spade, the result was down one.


Daily Question

You hold: ♠ A 6 ♥ K Q 8 ♦ 10 9 5 ♣ A Q 7 6 3. Your partner opens one heart, you bid two clubs and he rebids two hearts. What do you say?

Answer: A system in which your two clubs forced to game might work well. You could raise to three hearts, forcing, leaving room to look for slam. In “Standard” methods, you can’t settle for a raise to four hearts: Partner would pass with 8 7 2, A J 9 6 5 2, A 7, K 4. Improvise with a bid of two spades and support the hearts next.

South dealer N-S vulnerable

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