Cape Argus

Corruption fight on track

Nzimande welcomes Concourt ruling on controvers­ial R3.5bn Prasa locomotive contract


THE Constituti­onal Court decision to dismiss with costs an applicatio­n by Swifambo Rail Leasing on the Passenger Rail Agency of SA (Prasa) AFRO4000 locomotive­s was yesterday welcomed by Transport Minister Blade Nzimande.

“Throughout this long, painstakin­g legal process and impediment­s thrown our way, we remained resilient, undeterred and resolute in our commitment to leave no stone unturned to fight against corruption and state capture,” Nzimande said.

Controvers­ial locomotive supplier Swifambo was appealing the 2017 decision by the Pretoria High Court to set aside the R3.5 billion contract with Prasa.

The court in November dismissed the appeal by Swifambo to review and set aside the awarding of the contract, after which Swifambo approached the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA).

The SCA in November agreed that “the tender was procured through corruption” and that Prasa’s specificat­ions for the new locomotive­s were “tailor-made for the benefit of Vossloh, and thus Swifambo”.

It also affirmed the high court’s decision that Swifambo was part of a “fronting practice”.

The diesel locomotive­s came under the spotlight after it emerged that they were taller than existing overhead power lines.

Only 13 of the locomotive­s have been delivered to Prasa supplied by Vossloh España, a Valencia-based rail company, with Swifambo as its BEE partner.

Nzimande said that this decision confirmed that South Africa was a constituti­onal state where justice was guaranteed in support of democracy.

Nzimande has directed the Prasa board to ensure that it takes appropriat­e internal disciplina­ry measures against all those who were involved in the procuremen­t.

Nzimande said these measures should also include decisions regarding the current fleet of the AFRO4000 locomotive­s in the possession of Prasa.

“The end this tedious journey leaves us with several lessons with regard to prudent utilisatio­n of public funds and it also forces us to reflect on contract management, especially when it concerns contracts of this magnitude,” he added.

“I am expecting the Prasa board to update me, within a month from now, on all the actions that will be undertaken in the wake of this judgment,” Nzimande said. |

 ?? DAVID RITCHIE African News Agency (ANA) ?? TRANSPORT Minister Blade Nzimande wants action taken against officials involved in the procuremen­t of the AFRO4000 locomotive­s. |
DAVID RITCHIE African News Agency (ANA) TRANSPORT Minister Blade Nzimande wants action taken against officials involved in the procuremen­t of the AFRO4000 locomotive­s. |

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