Cape Argus

‘We must sensitise children’

Society has allowed the scourge of gender-based violence to reach rampant levels

- PETER MARX Peter Marx is executive director at Home from Home

HOME from Home is a cluster foster care organisati­on which welcomes vulnerable, abused and orphaned children into its homes. Living with a foster mother and other foster children in a home creates a healthy family environmen­t. Home from Home is shocked at the levels of gender-based violence (GBV) in our country. The organisati­on has been forced to reflect on its work and the role it is playing in preventing this scourge in society.

The children in its homes usually arrive when they are at a very impression­able age. The organisati­on is able to mitigate the trauma the children have experience­d in their past, and hopefully, put them on the paths of growing up as optimistic and positive adults. Home from Home believes that the values and morals that their foster mothers instil in all the children in their care will ensure that boy children will not be part of the population of men that become abusers.

But is this a sufficient outcome of the organisati­on’s work? Our society is made up of many good men and women who have allowed this current scourge to become so rampant. As a society, we need our boys and girls to be growing up sensitised to the problem, and we need them to become activists against such intolerabl­e behaviour. Being an activist doesn’t only demand that we challenge openly abusive types of behaviour; it requires us to show zero tolerance of the more subtle behaviours that we, even good men, all too often ignore, accept or encourage when we socialise.

The media is full of messages that objectify women (and men). Surely, we need to be actively making our boy children aware of the more subtle messages they receive daily; we need to show them appropriat­e ways of standing against this influence.

The team of social workers and an education support programme co-ordinator aim to support both the Home From Home foster mothers and the children in their care to make sense of informatio­n about themselves and about people who are different from them. One of the key values at Home from Home is empathy, which includes respect for all, despite our difference­s.

This is achieved through ongoing individual and group support, using a variety of strategies. One of the tools that has been successful­ly used, and which we hope to use more frequently, is a set of “persona dolls”.

The dolls are given personas and stories are used to encourage children to communicat­e, problem solve, unlearn prejudice and develop empathy, life skills and a sense of well-being. Most importantl­y, they are used to promote a healthy sense of self. The children can identify with the dolls’ stories and are encouraged to engage and express their own thoughts, fears, wishes and experience­s.

If all our boy children begin to see all women in the same light as they see their mothers and/or sisters and if all our girl children have strong role models, develop a healthy understand­ing of their strength, and see themselves respected in the Home from Home environmen­t, then activism against GBV will surely be more effective in diminishin­g this scourge in our society.

 ??  ?? HOME From Home has been forced to reflect on its work and what role it is playing in preventing gender-based violence, the writer says.
HOME From Home has been forced to reflect on its work and what role it is playing in preventing gender-based violence, the writer says.

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