Cape Argus

Matric under house arrest


A MATRIC pupil convicted of culpable homicide was handed a three-year sentence, for which he will be placed under house arrest and subjected to correction­al supervisio­n, while he will be allowed to write his final exams.

The sentence handed down in the Atlantis Magistrate’s Court yesterday comes after the 18-year-old Robinvale High School pupil pleaded guilty.

“In his plea explanatio­n, he admitted to killing 7-year-old Jessi Stevens when he struck him on July 30, 2016 with a quad bike.

“He drove away from the accident scene and for three years denied that he was responsibl­e for the little boy’s death.

The court also ordered that the learner not drive a quad bike during the three-year period, and warned that if he was convicted of a similar crime, the court would not hesitate to jail him for 10 years.

Jessi’s father, Grant, said: “I’m just happy this journey is over.

“It has been a terrible period for our family and waiting three years for the accused to confess to killing our son.

“We are satisfied with the sentence handed down by the court. The learner now has a criminal record, and it is something he has to live with. I hope he will use this time to change his life.”

The court was packed to capacity and the pupil’s parents were visibly relieved when the sentence was meted out. Two weeks ago, the Grade 12 pupil pleaded guilty.

Reading out his plea explanatio­n in court, he apologised to Jessi’s family and told them they would always be in his prayers.

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