Cape Argus



GIVING IT YOUR ALL Cy the Cynic says that when you go to interview for a job, always say that you’ll give it 110 percent — unless the position you’re applyingfo­r is a statistici­an.

One of Cy’s faults is that he plays by instinct instead of with the odds. Cy was declarer at today’s six spades. North’s 2NT response was a convention­al forcing raise; South’s three clubs showed a singleton club. When West led the ten of clubs, Cy took the ace, drew trumps and tried a heart to dummy’s nine.

When East produced the ten, the Cynic was doomed. He had to lose another heart. Best Play

Cy would have won two heart tricks if West had held the ten plus either the queen or king — about a 37 percent chance — but he missed his best play for 12 tricks. After Cy draws trumps, he should lead a low diamond. When West has the queen, Cy can ruff his club return, take the jack of diamonds and later discard two hearts from dummy on the A-K of diamonds. The correct play gives declarer a 50 percent chance. Daily Question

You hold: A K J 10 4 84 2 A K 7 4♣ ♠ ♥ ♦ 6. Your partner opens one heart, you bid one spade and he rebids two hearts. What do you say?

Answer: You may have a slam if partner’s hearts are strong and he has the ace of clubs (but not the K-Q; those honors would be “wasted” opposite your singleton). Bid three diamonds. If partner bids 3NT next, bid four hearts as a try for slam. You will suggest club shortness and let him judge your prospects.

South dealer Both sides vulnerable

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